The "American Guns" reality TV show lasted only two seasons on Discovery Channel, but the show made an impact on its audience in that short time.
If you loved the show, which was canceled in December 2012, or never got a chance to see it (Discovery isn’t playing reruns), here are a few facts you might not know:
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• The show revolved around the lives of the Wyatt family, which runs Gunsmoke Guns in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. The parents, Rich and Renee Wyatt, own the shop, while their two kids, Paige and Kurt Wyatt, work in the store and offer their talents to the business. Kurt, for instance, is a custom engraver. Along with selling guns and ammunition, the store designs and creates custom guns and offers firearms classes.
• Before he was in the gun business, Rich Wyatt was a firefighter and also retired as chief of polie of Alma, Colorado. "Rich Wyatt's real gift lies in selling,"
Discovery's website said. "He has parleyed his gift into the number one firearms training center and largest professional gunsmith facility in the state of Colorado."
• Discovery Channel still has clips from the show on its website, including one where Rich Wyatt introduces his family to the "most gigantic, epic gun" they’ve ever had. When he unveiled a mortar, wife Renee Wyatt said it looked like a "Monopoly piece."
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• After the show was canceled, the Gunsmoke Guns store was hit by thieves. In February 2013, the store was robbed when someone cut a hole in the roof and dropped into the business,
according to Denver Westward.
• Right after the theft, the Internal Revenue Service raided the store, and
Denver Westward reported on an affidavit that indicated the store had been under investigation for years. Among the problems cited in the legal paperwork was “severe” under-reporting of wages and failure to pay taxes, Westward said in March 2013. For instance, Rich and Renee Wyatt reported their income at under $10,000 in 2007, although they bought a house in 2012 for $678,000, the online site reported.
• Despite personal issues with the IRS and the show’s cancellation, Rich Wyatt is still an outspoken opponent to gun control laws. In March 2014, he
talked to NPR about the unreasonableness of proposed gun control measures. "It's not American," Wyatt said. "It's not right for this country or for this state."
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