“If homosexuality is biologically determined, then the rest of us don't have much choice but to accept it as a sad and unfortunate reality.
But if homosexual conduct is ultimately a matter of choice, then the homosexual lobby has nothing,” said
Bryan Fischer, past director of Issues and Analysis for the American Family Association and radio talk show host.
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In order to solve the mystery of how sexual orientation is formed, scientists have endeavored to find evidence of a ‘gay gene,’ or a genetic predisposition or explanation for homosexuality. However, many Americans, like Fischer, reject the idea that homosexuality is a natural outcome that is not privy to choice.
Below are ‘gay gene’ skeptics’ main arguments:
No Definitive Studies
Although numerous studies have been conducted in efforts to unearth the ‘gay gene,’ none have yielded definitive results that direct homosexuality towards a single genetic factor.
Dr. Dean Hamer, biologist and researcher who published a landmark study relaying how biology and genetics impact sexual orientation,
admitted to LGBT Science that “there is no single gay gene.”
Fisher also noted that studies comparing genes and brain structures of homosexual men to heterosexual men use words like “affected” and “influence,” which do not indicate a definitive causal relationship between genetics and homosexuality.
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Reparative Therapy
Some skeptics of the relationship between homosexuality and genetics believe that individuals can change their sexual orientation through reparative therapy.
The Republican Party of Texas says in their platform that they “recognize the legitimacy and efficacy or counseling, which offers reparative therapy and treatment for those patients seeking healing and wholeness from their homosexual life.”
Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, founder of the Thomas Aquinas Psychological Clinic located in Encino, California, is a leading face in reparative therapy. On his website, he offers papers and client case studies favoring reparative therapy methods.
The Republican Party also maintains that homosexuality “is contrary to the fundamental unchanging truths that have been ordained by God in the Bible.” Some religious people hold that because their interpretations of the Bible deem homosexuality as sinful, there can be no ‘gay gene’.
Bible.org asserts that “no one is born in such a way that certain sins must take place. In other words, biology is not destiny.”
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