A diverse landscape and a variety of species offers hunters in Illinois a plethora of options when it comes to pursuing their game. Turkey to deer, duck to woodchuck, bow to muzzleloader, a wide array of hunting experiences are available.
Fall and winter are the peak hunting seasons in the state, but summer affords ample opportunity for small game.
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When it comes to hunting in Illinois, here are five animals to hunt in the summer:
1. Coyote
All year long, summer included, coyote is free game in Illinois from a half hour before sunrise to a half hour after sunset,
according to Illinois Department of Natural Resources. There are a few days that are off-limits, including some weeks in November and December in counties open for firearm deer hunting.
2. Striped Skunk
Like the coyote, there is no limit to the amount of skunks hunters can claim in Illinois and they can be hunted year round. However, the striped creatures can only be trapped from November to January. Skunk hunting is off limits during the same dates as coyote.
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3. Woodchuck
Also known as groundhogs, woodchucks can be trapped through June and September and hunted between June 1 and March 31. Hunting hours are limited to sunrise to sunset, but trapping hours are unrestricted. There is no limit to the amount of game a single hunter can shoot or trap.
4. Dove
Toward the end of summer is dove season. It lasts from September 1 to November 14 and reopens the day after Christmas to January 9. Hunters are allowed to shoot 15 doves per person with hunting hours from sunrise to sunset. A total of 45 birds are permitted in each hunter's possession.
5. Squirrel
The first of August marks the beginning of squirrel season in Illinois and lasts until February 15. In counties open to firearm deer hunting squirrel hunting is closed between November 19 to 21 and December 2 to 5; otherwise, it's permitted from 30 minutes before sunrise to 30 minutes after sunset,
reports Chicago Now. Hunters have a daily limit of five squirrels per day but are permitted to posses 10.
This article is for information only. Please check current regulations before hunting.
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