In Indiana, gun laws tend to fall within the middle of the 50 American states, meaning the legislation enacted by state lawmakers is not extreme on either end of the spectrum.
As the debate over gun control and the rights of concealed carry permit-holders has heated up in recent years, a number of publications and organizations have devised their own ranking system that traditionally is based on a number of pieces of criteria.
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In general, Indiana has traditionally been viewed as a state friendly to gun owners’ rights.
Guns and Ammo magazine ranked Indiana the 16th best state for gun owners in its 2013 list.
Guns and Ammo based its ranking on Indiana’s status as a shall-issue carrying concealed weapons (CCW) state, as well as a lack of restrictions on modern sporting rifles and the number of magazines that can be carried by a permit-holder at any particular time.
Indiana does have a Castle Doctrine law in place, and it is more lenient than those in place in other states. The Castle Doctrine, sometimes also known as the Stand Your Ground law, pertains to when a concealed-carry permit holder can exercise self-defense.
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Indiana’s iteration of the Castle Doctrine does not require a person to retreat in cases of self-defense — a provision that is markedly different than those in place in some other states. But Indiana’s coverage of the Castle Doctrine only pertains to private property.
In 2011,
The Daily Beast issued its own ranking on the deadliest gun states. Indiana ranked 22nd, with 10.6 gun-related deaths for every 100,000 persons.
The Daily Beast also ranked Indiana 21st out of the 50 states for permissive gun laws.
This article does not constitute legal advice. Check the current gun laws before purchasing or traveling with a firearm.
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