It has just been released that Kim Richards, former child star made famous by “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” was checked into rehab by sister Kyle Richards, also starring in the show, and additional family members for her continued alcohol abuse.
Kim was allegedly checked in to the infamous Betty Ford Clinic, frequented by celebrities like Lindsay Lohan.
The family drama between Kim and sister Kyle Richards had been mounting throughout the Bravo season of “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” and exploded last night on the
finale’s limousine showdown between the pair.
The altercation started at a birthday party for Taylor Armstrong, co-star of the show. A few cocktails later and cut to Kim histrionically accusing Taylor and fellow co-stars of ganging up on her and “stirring the pot.”
By the end of the party, Kim and sister Kyle somehow wound up driving around in their limo with Adrienne Maloof-Nassif, owner of the Palms Casino, the Sacramento Kings, and a host of other money-making ventures, mediating as their therapist, urging Kim to tell Kyle how she really felt.
Fortunately for viewers, the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and Kyle launched herself across the limo at Kim, accusing her of an ongoing alcohol problem and divulging that her husband Mauricio had been financially supporting Kim for years.
After the shrill screams and alligator tears were over, Kim’s family decided that it was best she sought help and checked her in at Betty Ford.
The show wraps up the whole saga with the sidebar “Kim’s family checked her into rehab . . . A week later, she checked herself out. She is taking her life one day at a time.”
Stay tuned for the reunion show next Thursday on Bravo. Below is a sneak peek to hold you over!