Newsmax Heart Health Email Alerts are opt-in subscribers to the latest news from who are interested in information on heart health, including ways to prevent heart attacks, reduce hyper-tension and high blood pressure, lower cholesterol and overall prevent heart disease. They are also seeking information about top cardiologists and medications that can help their conditions, as well as natural cures.
Each month 2 million Americans log on to for the latest on medical studies, nutrition, alternative, integrative and conventional medicine. Readers get practical prevention advice from a team of medical doctors and experts.
Readers are also interested in information on the latest heart drugs and therapies, including statin drugs, cholesterol lowering drugs, aspirin, warfarin, beta-blockers and other blood pressure medications.
These are affluent (41% with $500k+ net worth), information-seeking consumers who respond well to health, pharmaceutical, vitamin, supplement, diet, fitness and other offers.
List includes respondents with vision or hearing loss (53%); heart disease, high blood pressure or cholesterol problems (47%), arthritis, joint pain (38%) and diabetes (19%). Subscribes are also generous donors to organizations that support heart health including the American Heart Association and other medical research organizations.
These subscribers also read, WebMD,, Prevention Magazine, Life Extension Magazine, Men’s Health Magazine, Arthritis Today, Health Magazine, and Women’s Health Magazine.
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Key Demographics:
51% female, 49% male
67% 45 years or older
63% responded to Newsmax Health advertisement
81% purchased vitamin, supplement, health product in last year online
30% spent more than $1,000 in online purchases in past 12 months
Summary Description:
The Newsmax Health Email Alerts is one of the most powerful opt-in lists for consumers seeking alternative, conventional, and integrative medical advice and therapies. List is highly responsive to pharmaceutical, nutritional and lifestyle offers. Medical writers for Newsmaxhealth and related newsletters include medical doctors Mehmet Oz, Michael Roizen, Chauncey Crandall, Russell Blaylock, and David Brownstein
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