Pat Robertson is one of the most influential evangelists in the country. His words and teachings are followed by thousands worldwide through his television appearances, speeches, and books.
As host of “The 700 Club,” Robertson's thoughts on faith have influenced Christians all over the world. Here are 10 of his most memorable statements on faith:
1. In his teachings on prayer at
Pat, Robertson describes faith as a place to keep us safe. "The protection comes from living in the shelter. It isn't a question of just getting in there real fast. You live in the shelter of the Most High. It is God Almighty who is able to keep us safe."
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2. Robertson said followers should practice their faith by walking with "integrity in our own homes. We will not think, ‘The door is shut, the blinds are down, and therefore nobody sees me.' God sees us."
3. "My heart is going to be right with God. 'Oh, God, when will you come to me? When will I know the power of your Holy Spirit?' This is the life that God blesses,” Robertson writes on his blog.
4. "His mercy endures forever. It isn't something that's going to happen because of a passing fad. He won't be capricious and mad at you ... He is good all the time,” Robertson writes on his blog.
5. Robertson points out the rise in faith during a speech at the National Press Club. "At present, Christianity is by far the world's largest religion, encompassing one third of the world's population. Christianity has been, and still is growing at a much faster rate than the overall population."
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6. "The 700 Club" founder discussed how important faith is during a speech to Concern Women of America in 1985. "When there is no vision of God, when there's no vision of God's law … society breaks apart and everybody does what he wants to do.
7. In Christian Broadcasting Network’s Foundations of Our Faith online course, Robertson said faith is developed over time. "They aren't born strong Christians, but they let God work in their lives and develop character through the years."
8. Also in The Foundations of Our Faith course, Robertson said: "It is important not only to read God's Word, but to memorize it and hide its precepts in our hearts."
9. Robertson also stressed sharing the Bible's teaching. "We want to study the Bible by ourselves and with Christian friends. We also need to hear God's Word preached."
10. Robertson's overall view on faith could be summed up in his own personal mission statement. "I want to be part of God's plan of what He is doing on earth, and I want to bring Him glory."
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