Disastrous events can strike at any time yet about half of all U.S. households do not have enough food items stocked up to get them through three days, Skilled Survival notes.
No one likes to think about all the things that can go wrong, but in the face of devastating floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and terrorism, survival preparedness is becoming a necessity in the country.
Stocking up on the basics for these emergency situations could save your life, and your food inventory forms an integral part of your disaster preparedness, which is why we have compiled a list of some basic food items to add to your collection.
1. Canned beans— On a normal day, the average person is recommended to eat at least half a cup of beans a day as they are packed with vitamins and minerals, according to NutritionFacts.org. In the face of an emergency, when food is scarce, legumes can provide you with some much-needed fiber, folate, plant protein, plant iron, vitamin B1, and minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and copper.
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2. Grains— Rice, flour, pasta, and cereals are all good staples to add to your food stock, but swapping them for whole-wheat versions offers an added benefit of extra bulk, which will keep you fuller for longer, and they come with an added dose of iron, copper, zinc, magnesium, antioxidants, and phytochemicals, according to Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
3. Dried fruits— In situations where fresh fruit is scarce, dried fruit will provide you with the same vitamins and minerals as the raw counterparts, but in concentrated doses, according to Healthline.
4. Canned vegetables— We all know how important it is to eat vegetables, but when you cannot get your hands on fresh produce, canned vegetables can still provide you with the much-needed vitamins and minerals to improve your overall health and keep the organs in good condition, the San Francisco Chronicle noted.
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5. Canned meat— Items such as canned ham, tuna, chicken, and even Vienna sausages can give your body a protein boost, which will help strengthen your immune system, help your body repair tissue, and stave off infections, Organic Facts reported. These are all important in emergency situations where your health could take a knock.
6. Dehydrated milk, whey, eggs— When disaster strikes, the likelihood of finding fresh milk and eggs is probably pretty slim, but these basic food items are an essential part of a healthy diet. Dehydrated milk, eggs, and whey proteins can still give you the nutrients needed for your body to build and maintain muscle, according to Think U.S. Dairy.
7. Bottled water and drinks— Water is the single most important item to include in your inventory, but adding other drinks containing electrolytes, such as sports drinks, is also a good idea. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, electrolytes are essential for stimulating muscles and nerves, regulating the amount of fluids in your body and keeping your body fluids balanced. However, dehydration depletes your electrolyte balance and can impact your overall health.
8. Sugar— In addition to being a necessary ingredient in most cooking and baking recipes, sugar has many other uses too, from treating shock to providing concentrated doses of carbs and quickly raising blood glucose levels in diabetics, according to Diabetes.org.
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