Thyroid-related illnesses can cause significant challenges for patients who have undiagnosed or untreated thyroid disease.
The thyroid gland is a small gland that is part of the endocrine system, and it is necessary for regulation of the body’s metabolism. Nearly every tissue and system in the body relies on the important hormones supplied by the thyroid gland.
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When the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough of the hormones T3 and T4, hypothyroidism results.
According to Total Health Magazine, the lack of sufficient hormones can cause the following thyroid-related illnesses:
1. Heart attack and atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) can result because hypothyroidism causes the heart to beat more slowly and there is not enough thyroid hormone circulating through the body.
2. Cognitive impairment and low mood is commonly linked to hypothyroidism. Some studies even show a link between hypothyroidism and increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease.
3. Anemia is diagnosed in as many as 60 percent of all patients with hypothyroidism. Anemia causes fatigue, often one of the first symptoms of underactive thyroid.
4. Adrenal fatigue and thyroid function are closely linked, and this can cause a weakened immune system.
5. Infertility can also
result from hypothyroidism, says Endocrine Web. Low thyroid can affect ovulation and make it hard to conceive.
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An overactive thyroid gland, also called hyperthyroidism, results when the thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone, speeding up metabolism.
According to Mayo Clinic, these thyroid-related illnesses can result from hyperthyroidism:
6. Congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, and a heart rhythm disorder called atrial fibrillation are characteristic of hyperthyroidism.
7. Osteoporosis (brittle bones) can occur with untreated hyperthyroidism because the condition prevents the bones from absorbing enough calcium and other important minerals required for bone strength.
8. Eye problems such as blurred and double vision, swollen or bulging eyes, and light sensitivity are associated with hyperthyroidism.
9. Diarrhea and other digestive disorders occur because hyperthyroidism speeds up the metabolism.
Thyroid-related illnesses are often reversible once the proper thyroid diagnosis is made and the proper treatment is underway.
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