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5 Weirdest Diseases

Friday, 01 October 2010 11:12 AM EDT

Whether it is people with grossly enlarged elephant-like body parts, blue skin, vampire syndrome, or progeria, there are many weird diseases with devastating effects. What makes these weird diseases horrifying is the fact that most of tthem do not have a specific cause or cure.

Here is a list of weird diseases:

. Elephantiasis: This weird disease, medically termed lymphatic filariasis, affects millions of people around the world. The characteristic grossly enlarged legs, hands, and genitals in elephantiasis are caused by a parasitic infection, which spreads through infected mosquito bites. The parasite or micro-filariae apparently resides in the victim’s blood for years and gradually constricts the blood flow through the body, causing fluid accumulation in extremities.

. Werewolf Syndrome and Blue-Skinned People: These are quite weird diseases and are rare. The victims of werewolf syndrome develop dark and thick hair on the face and body parts. Those affected by this syndrome resemble a werewolf. The skin disorder that causes people to have blue skin is a genetic disorder. Even though blue-skinned people may look different, they lead normal lives without serious medical consequences.

. Progeria: One of the weirdest diseases caused by a genetic code flaw in a child is progeria. The child’s body goes through the normal process of aging at an alarmingly accelerated pace. The striking physical alterations include baldness, hair thinning, and the onset of degenerative diseases like cardiac ailments and arthritis. Patients affected by progeria usually die by the time they are in their teens, due to organ failure or heart attack.

. Vampire Syndrome: This is another weird disease. Those with vampire syndrome find it difficult to bear the sunlight. They develop painful blisters upon exposure to sunlight and need to be sheltered in the shade. This weird vampire-like phenomenon is quite rare in people. However, the syndrome has no particular cause or medical treatment.

. Scaly skin or Blaschko lines: Scaly skin disease is often referred to as the Blaschko lines. It is named after the dermatologist Alfred Blaschko who identified it. Those affected with this disease have weird or distinctive patterns on their bodies. This genetically inherited skin disorder looks like invisible stripes all over the body in specific “V” or “S” shapes.

In addition to the above mentioned diseases, there are many other diseases that can be categorized as "the weirdest diseases." One such disease is moebius (mobius) syndrome, which is a congenital neurological disorder. This happens due to the nonfunction of motor cranial nerves, resulting in facial paralysis. Often, patients with moebius syndrome sleep with their eyes open or blink continuously.

Another disease, pica, is the love for inedible things like chalk, dirt, or paper.

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Whether it is people with grossly enlarged elephant-like body parts, blue skin, vampire syndrome, or progeria, there are many weird diseases with devastating effects. What makes these weird diseases horrifying is the fact that most of tthem do not have a specific cause or...
weird diseases,weird disease list,weird diseases and disorders,weird disease names,really weird disease,weirdest diseases.
Friday, 01 October 2010 11:12 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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