We are coming into a new year. Having a resolution is not necessary, but I am providing 10 money related ideas for you to consider for your own financial freedom and peace of mind. I learned these ideas from some of the greatest authors of our time.
- Freedom Fund - Try to save 6 months or a year of income so that you are free to leave a job, take time off, or get through a tough time. Author Credit: Brian Tracy
- Let Go of Bad Clients - Get rid of bad customers. Customers that waste everyone’s time are not worth it. If you have a great service, you can always raise your prices and provide VIP service to your great customers and earn even more. Author Credit: Dr. Richard Carlson
- Know the Rules - Invest in Blue Chip diverse funds or ETFs with a good track record. However, know the rules of the game, and avoid excessive fees. Author Credit: Tony Robbins.
- Seek Excellence - Successful people attract wealth. Focus on being great at what you do. Author Credit: Dr. Wayne Dyer
- Consciousness - "Wealth is a state of awareness that allows you to tap into your inner creativity in order to fulfill a need that somebody else has. Credit: Dr. Deepak Chopra.
- Pay Yourself First - That means, the first money that comes out of the pot is your savings! Credit: Suzy Orman and T Harv Ekar stress this point.
- Get Rid of Bad Loans - Get rid of high interest loans and credit cards, create an emergency cash fund, or work on saving for college for kids. Author Credit. Dave Ramsey
- Be Yourself - "Don't get caught up with what other people are doing. Being a contrarian isn't the key but being a crowd follower isn't either. You need to detach yourself emotionally.” Credit: Warren Buffett
- Seize Opportunity - “Behind me is infinite power. Before me is endless possibility, around me is boundless opportunity. My strength is mental, physical and spiritual.” Credit – 50 Cent
- Manage Your Risk Management - “Life insurance is sometimes said to be a horrible investment; but if you are healthy and have 3 children, the premiums seem to be a pretty good deal.” Credit ~ George Mentz
George Mentz JD MBA CWM Chartered Wealth Manager ® is a licensed attorney and CEO of GAFM ® global education, which is an ISO 29990 Certified professional development company operating in over 50 nations. Mentz is an award-winning author and advisory board member to several companies around the world in education, charities, and FinTech Companies.
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