Apr 4, 2016
Buffett is all about deep value, buying up assets when they are very cheap. He loves a stock with a wide “moat,” that is, with few brand competitors (think Coke) but clearly he doesn’t mind buying a commodity if the price is low enough.
Mar 24, 2016
Jason Zweig, The Wall Street Journal's "Intelligent Investor" columnist, recently wrote about a curious trend among financial advisors - holding index-style exchange-traded funds.
Mar 15, 2016
Retirement investors likely have read about active investment managers and hedge fund chiefs who warn of the growing “danger” of index fund investing.
Mar 6, 2016
The billionaire Warren Buffett is just two years away from closing the door on a 10-year wager with a hedge fund manager.
Feb 9, 2016
Gold is falling like a rock (which it is), down by double digits over five years. Oil could hit $20 a barrel before the dust settles, energy analysts warn. What the heck is going on?
Dec 8, 2015
My partner and Rebalance IRA co-founder Scott Puritz recently gave an interview to USA Today sure to raise the hackles of thousands of retirement advisors: The typical 60/40 stock-and-bond portfolio is fast becoming a problem for millions of American savers.
Nov 12, 2015
In all of my years of investing, I have never seen a vehicle as tax efficient as exchange-traded funds (ETFs), particularly when they are held in a thoughtful portfolio and regularly rebalanced.
Nov 3, 2015
It's not surprising then that most hedge funds last about five years, and that one in three fails on an annual basis.