Sometimes we come across a video that we simply can’t distill into appropriate words. This is one of them.
Whether or not you agree with Peter Schiff, CEO and chief global strategist of Euro Pacific Capital, one thing is beyond dispute: Those whom we have trusted to fix our economy have failed.
Instead of making tough decisions to get America back on track, the “yes men” in Washington have only continued to placate donors and implement short-term fixes that will hedge their re-election efforts.
By now it should be clear that the “recovery” won’t happen. All these short-term fixes will come back to haunt us.
And when they do, as prophetic economist Bob Wiedemer boldly states, “[The] money from heaven will be the path to hell.”
ALERT: A Rigged 2012 Financial Meltdown? See the Evidence.
He doesn’t mince words when he talks about the tragic consequences. “The data is clear, 50% unemployment, a 90% stock market drop, and 100% annual inflation . . . starting in 2012.”
Before you discount this scenario as wild speculation, please keep this in mind: In 2006, Weidemer wrote America’s Bubble Economy, which correctly predicted the collapse of the U.S. housing market, equity markets, private debt, and consumer spending.
His newest book, Aftershock, is a wake-up call for those who are ill-prepared (or unwilling) to acknowledge an ugly truth: The country’s financial “rescue” devised in Washington has been a catastrophic failure.
Weidemer issues a clear warning about the coming destruction of wealth, but perhaps most importantly for investors, he offers a detailed blueprint on how to survive and even prosper during the tough times ahead.
In an exclusive interview with Newsmax, Wiedemer discusses Aftershock and lays out how he sees the “financial meltdown” unfolding. He then discusses where investors should look to protect themselves and profit from the crisis we are about to face.
You can view the Aftershock video below.

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