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Biden to Give WHO Control of US Health Freedoms

tedros adhanom ghebreyesus

World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (MARTIAL TREZZINI/Keystone via AP)

Frank Gaffney By Thursday, 09 May 2024 04:52 PM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

The Biden administration is stealthily preparing to surrender our sovereign, constitutional republic and the freedoms it guarantees to the World Health Organization's unaccountable, Marxist director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Ph.D.

Think that's impossible? Think again. 

If a plan currently being finalized by the WHO is approved at the end of May, Dr. Tedros would become the most powerful individual in the world with the ability to exercise potentially ominous control over each of us and every other country's people.  

What could possibly go wrong?

Just about everything. 

For starters, Tedros misled the public about the origins, nature and treatment of the COVID-19 virus. 

Worse yet, he gave us flawed advice about how to respond. 

The prescriptions issued by that nonmedical doctor, by some accounts, contributed to the needless death by many of of the roughly 1.2 million Americans who perished from COVID-19.

Despite this appalling record, the Biden administration and other globalists — including the Chinese Communist Party, the World Economic Forum, the U.N., the European Union, Bill Gates and Big Pharma — are determined to give Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus unprecedented power. 

That would be the effect of what amount to two international treaties that are still being negotiated at the WHO, even though they are supposed to be approved in less than a month. 

These accords would oblige the U.S. and 195 other parties to submit to whatever the WHO's director-general unilaterally declares to be an actual or potential "public health emergency of international concern" (PHEIC). 

They must also carry out whatever he exclusively determines is the appropriate response. 

This is the Great Reset with a mask. Its proponents boast that it will usher in the era of "global governance."

Henceforth, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus would be able to tell us what to do as a formerly sovereign nation. 

He would also effectively become your new doctor — prescribing what kind of medical care you can, and cannot, get to you and your own physician. Inevitably, that would include more of the so-called "China model" that Tedros malfeasantly told us was the right response to COVID -19. 

That included wearing masks, social distancing, quarantines, lockdowns, and so-called "vaccines" that, at best, did not help and in many cases were devastatingly harmful, if not deadly.

Under Biden and Company's scheme, Dr. Tedros alone would be able to order you and your loved ones to take experimental gene therapies. You will not be given access to the truth about the adequacy of their testing protocols and whether they are actually safe. 

Indeed, under the WHO treaties, censorship arrangements will be instituted to ensure you know only what its director-general says. 

And Tedros will be able to enforce his directives by a kind of digital gulag — a surveillance apparatus that will enable him to restrict your travel; employment; access to food, social media, and even bank accounts — just like his master in Communist China, President Xi Jinping, did pursuant to his controversial "zero-COVID" policies. 

These prospects are especially terrifying given that, even before our government and those of other nations around the world surrender such power to Tedros, he has already announced that a host of challenges constitute nonpandemic PHEICs — and would, therefore, be subject to his dictates. 

These include climate change, reproductive health, migration, poverty, transgender issues, instability, and "gun violence."

In short, the new global governance arrangement being stealthily engineered by Team Biden and its fellow globalists would replace permanently our form of limited, representative government under the Constitution of the United States and the liberties it guarantees. 

Instead, we would be ruled with respect to anything, and everything, that a new dictator says poses actual or potential health risks — yes, to humans, but also to plants and animals — with the arbitrary and wholly unaccountable misrule by a single, unelected man.

Adding insult to injury is the fact that the American people have not been consulted about this wholly anti-constitutional idea, let alone afforded opportunities to have informed debate about it or to consent to it. 

Indeed, practically no one among either the general public or in elected office is aware such a truly revolutionary scheme is even in the works, to say nothing of less than a month away from being imposed upon us.

The only way the Biden administration and its anti-American, globalist friends have gotten this far in terms of effecting such a radical and anti-constitutional agenda — what Barack Obama famously promised in the way of a "fundamental transformation" of our country — is by keeping the project effectively secret until after these two treaties are approved by the World Health Assembly in Geneva between May 27 and June 1. 

Think of it as the international application of the "Nancy Pelosi Rule": We'll know what's being inflicted on us after it passes.

Our Sovereignty Coalition is proud to support every Republican member of the U.S. Senate and 22 state attorneys general in opposing the surrender of our national sovereignty and constitutional freedoms to the WHO. Together with a growing number of other officials and legislators, medical professionals, and patriots across the country, we are engaged in a concerted effort to inform and mobilize millions here and elsewhere about these impending dangers to national sovereignty and personal freedoms. 

Our vociferous opposition now can, and must, compel the Biden administration and its partisans to: 1) defer the impending votes that would fundamentally transform our constitutional republic and imperil the rights of Americans obliged to submit to Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and 2) establish that any treaty the WHO engineers will not take effect in this country unless and until the U.S. Senate formally provides its constitutionally mandated advice and consent. You can find out more about our efforts at

Frank Gaffney Jr. is the Founder and Executive Chairman of the Center for Security Policy (CSP) in Washington, D.C. , a columnist for The Washington Times, and host of the nationally syndicated program, "Secure Freedom Radio." Mr. Gaffney formerly acted as the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy during the Reagan Administration, following four years of service as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear Forces and Arms Control Policy. Previously, he was a professional staff member on the Senate Armed Services Committee under the chairmanship of the late Sen. John Tower, and a national security legislative aide to the late Sen. Henry M. Jackson. Frank Gaffney Jr. is president of the Center for Security Policy (CSP). Read more reports from Frank Gaffney Jr. — Click Here Now.

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The Biden administration is stealthily preparing to surrender our sovereign, constitutional republic and the freedoms it guarantees to the World Health Organization's unaccountable, Marxist director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Ph.D.
biden, un, who, tedros adhanom ghebreyesus
Thursday, 09 May 2024 04:52 PM
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