During his first administration, amid similar actions, President Donald Trump succeeded in taking from Planned Parenthood some $60 million by indirectly forcing the abortion provider into withdrawing from the Title X family planning program.
That was a win for anti-abortion, but we in the movement have our eyes on a bigger prize during Trump 2.0 and the 119th Congress: We want the organization defunded completely.
Planned Parenthood received nearly $700 million in 2022-2023. We would like the nation's No. 1 abortion provider to recall the waning days of the Biden administration as the last time a government check came in the mail.
Moreover, we want all abortion businesses defunded, and we don't want our taxpayer dollars to fund the abortion procedure anywhere.
This, of course, is not just President Trump's job. This defunding of abortion requires action by Congress.
During a three-day meeting earlier this month, dozens of national and state anti-abortion leaders gathered at Priests for Life headquarters in Titusville, Florida, and put their signatures to a letter to Congress, urging members to defund abortion and the abortion industry once and for all.
As we pointed out in the letter, polling has consistently indicated that Americans do not want their tax dollars paying for abortions, and a number of bills were introduced in the first weeks of the 119th Congress to defund the abortion giant and other groups that receive federal money in one hand while providing abortions with the other.
The time has come to pass the various bills that have been introduced in Congress, such as H.R. 7 by Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., and H.R. 271 introduced by Rep. Michelle Fischbach, R-Minn., in the House and S. 203 introduced by Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., in the Senate.
From our letter: "As leaders of pro-life groups, we represent millions of Americans who want to see such protections secured by federal law. We know that they will join their voices with ours in supporting specific efforts to end taxpayer funding of abortion and abortion businesses in America. We urge you to heed their voices and vote for all appropriate legislation to achieve that goal."
I'm not sure there has ever been a riper time for efforts to defund the abortion cartel to succeed — anti-abortion president, anti-abortion majorities in the House and Senate, a health secretary willing to look into the truth about abortion and the way it harms women, and Elon Musk intent on cutting waste from the federal government.
Also, The New York Times last week uncharacteristically told the truth about Planned Parenthood in an explosive article pointing out that the abortion provider is primarily interested in fighting laws that protect babies at the expense of the "care" provided to their mothers.
From the article: "Since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022, Planned Parenthood has enjoyed a fund-raising boom, with $498 million in donations that year. But little of it goes to the state affiliates to provide health care at clinics. Instead, under the national bylaws, the majority of the money is spent on the legal and political fight to maintain abortion rights."
You need to read only as far as the subhead to be aghast: Patients report failed abortions, misplaced IUDs, and inadequately trained staff.
This was, of course, not news to us. Peruse the stories of women who have had abortions at AbortionTestimonies.com and you will find dozens written by mothers who allegedly were mistreated at Planned Parenthood affiliates across the country.
This is not an organization — or an industry — that deserves to receive any taxpayer funding, no matter how it is allegedly to be used. We need to protect Americans: taxpayers, mothers, and, most critically, babies in the womb.
We don't want another single dollar of our money funding abortions.
Frank Pavone is an anti-abortion leader and national director of Priests for Life. Read Frank Pavone Reports — More Here.
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