Donald Trump is "extremely divisive" and can't win the GOP nomination, rival candidate Carly Fiorina declared Tuesday morning, and he reminds her of another television reality show star: Kim Kardashian.
"Honestly, Donald Trump reminds me of the Kim Kardashian of politics," the former Hewlett-Packard CEO told
Fox News' "Fox & Friends," dismissing the front-runner's stronghold on the GOP primary while discussing a new
Esquire article that calls Trump the "Hater in Chief."
"They're both famous for being famous, and the media plays along."
But her major barbs were against Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton, whose husband, former President Bill Clinton, took to the New Hampshire campaign trail Monday.
"Bubba is back," Fiorina said. "Well, I'm here in New Hampshire as well drawing pretty big crowds. Look, Bill Clinton is fair game, he's a former president. But elections are about the future, not about the past. So this election is about Hillary Clinton."
The way to beat her, Fiorina continued, is to "talk about her complete lack of accomplishment, and the fact that she's gotten every foreign policy challenge wrong."
Further, said Fiorina, Clinton "continues to lie to the American people. It's the Clinton way. Lie as long as you can get away with it and say whatever you need to say to get elected."
Fiorina also discussed a new poll that says white female Republicans are more angry than they were a year ago, and she agreed that women are angry.
"Let's remember, women are 53 percent of the vote, so we can't nominate someone who routinely insults women," she said. "Women are angry, because more of them are living in poverty. Women are angry because they feel they're losing control and power over their own lives.
"Women are angry because they worry that their children don't even know what the American dream is anymore. Women are angry because their health costs are going up. Yes, women are angry. And women are incredibly important segment of the population that we need to win this election."
But still, she insisted that she has never asked for voters' support because she is a woman, "although I'm proud to be one," but instead, because she is the most qualified and takes "a very important card away from Hillary Clinton."
"Hillary Clinton doesn't want to talk about her lack of accomplishments," said Fiorina. "She wants to talk about the historic nature of her candidacy."
Sandy Fitzgerald ✉
Sandy Fitzgerald has more than three decades in journalism and serves as a general assignment writer for Newsmax covering news, media, and politics.
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