Conservative commentator Pat Buchanan ripped the Republican Party establishment on Saturday, saying that its backing of Marco Rubio over front-runner Donald Trump represented "a point of desperation and total panic."
"I'm sure it's delighted with Marco Rubio savaging Donald Trump," Buchanan, who ran for the White House three times, t
old Uma Pemmaraju on Fox News. "But really, Rubio, in the numbers he's gotten, suggest this: He's failed Middle America.
"Middle America has asked for 25 years — get control of the borders, stop these trade deals shipping jobs overseas, no more of these wars where Americans come back in body bags and the wars aren't won. The Republican establishment hasn't been listening to the people.
"Donald Trump, the success he's gotten, represents exactly the opposite side of the coin of the failures of the Republican establishment," he said. "That's why he's winning all these votes."
Buchanan said that if the fight for the nomination ended up with a brokered convention in July — and Trump is not the nominee — "it would rip the party to pieces as has not been done since 1912, when Theodore Roosevelt walked out and created a new party and sent William Howard Taft to win the election."
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