GOP presidential contender Donald Trump's remarks about immigration and Mexico have rattled some nerves there, but many Mexicans don't believe he'll win the White House,
the Washington Post reports.
"We haven't even considered that seriously," a senior diplomat in Mexico’s Foreign Ministry tells the Post.
In a statement on
Trump's recently released immigration plan, the Foreign Ministry said it continues "to stand by our position that these comments reflect prejudice, racism or plain ignorance," the Post reports.
"Anyone who understands the depth of the U.S.-Mexico relationship realizes that those proposals are not only prejudiced and absurd, but would be detrimental to the well-being of both societies," the statement said, the Post reports.
The Miami Herald reports the Trump immigration plan includes a provocative proposal to block the money sent home to families in Mexico.
"We're living in a moment of profound crisis, with the fall of petroleum prices and public finances in a very bad state; this would lead to the destruction of the economic system," Rodolfo Garcia Zamora, an economics professor at the University of Zacatecas, tells the Post.
In a column over the weekend, Armando Fuentes Aguirre writes "Donald Trump is one of these perverse specimens of whom humanity should feel ashamed."
But like many Mexicans, he doesn't expect Trump to win the nomination, or be elected president.
"That would push the limits of indecency, and would set back several decades a country that despite all its flaws and defects has maintained its fight against racism and discrimination," he writes.
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