If former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg enters the 2016 presidential race, his eleventh-hour candidacy would benefit Donald Trump and hurt Hillary Clinton, a new
Rasmussen Reports poll reveals.
The survey of 1,000 likely voters found Trump, the Republican front-runner, would win a hypothetical three-way matchup with Bloomberg, a billionaire businessman, and Clinton, the top Democratic contender.
According to Rasmussen, Trump would earn 36 percent support to Clinton's 30 percent and Bloomberg's 8 percent.
"This suggests that Bloomberg is a bigger threat to Clinton at this early stage than he is to fellow New York billionaire Trump," Rasmussen says.
"Some have suggested, however, that Bloomberg is just letting major Democratic donors know that he is available if Clinton's campaign stumbles against Bernie Sanders or if she is indicted for trafficking in classified material over a private e-mail server while secretary of State."
The national telephone survey was conducted Feb. 7 to 8, as Bloomberg revealed he was
mulling an entry into the race. It has a margin of sampling error of +/- 3 percentage points with a 95 percent level of confidence.
Rasmussen Reports is a nonpartisan electronic media group that specializes in the collection, publication and distribution of public opinion polling information.
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