GOP front-runner Donald Trump spoke at Regent University on Wednesday then sat down for a question-and-answer session with founder, the Rev. Pat Robertson.
"You inspire us all," Robertson told the real estate mogul, who has secured the endorsement of Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr., and is bringing in evangelical voters to his camp.
Speaking of Secretary of State John Kerry, whose Iran deal Trump has criticized, Trump said, "Kerry did not read the 'Art of the Deal,'" Trump's own bestseller. "Probably not the Bible, either,"
The Blaze reports.
Trump said he would nominate someone to replace Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia who was pro-life and who embodied the late justice's conservative temperament.
He had harsh words for Chief Justice John Roberts, who he said "could have killed Obamacare twice. He approved Obamacare when everybody said 'We're going to terminate it.'"
He also repeated his criticism of his presidential rival, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, whom he called Roberts' biggest champion in the George W. Bush Administration.
"It's true! It's true!" Trump insisted.
Trump's speech and interview at Regent is part of an ongoing series that already has talked to former Gov. Jeb Bush and Ohio Gov. Jeb Bush. Cruz and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson are also scheduled to appear,
Charisma News reports.
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