A number of studies — mostly using animal models of human conditions — have clearly shown that L-carnitine and acetyl-L-carnitine (ALCAR) can improve the function of the aging brain in many remarkable ways. In one study, researchers added ALCAR to mice’s drinking water.
They found that the mice that were given ALCAR demonstrated a significant increase in several energy molecules, including ATP and phosphocreatine, within their cortex and hippocampus (which governs memory and learning). This made the animals’ energy production more efficient — that is, it generated fewer free radicals. A brain with improved energy production is healthier and functions better.
In addition, ALCAR supplementation increased brain glucose levels in the animals’ brains, but not in the blood. (That is, it did not make them diabetic.) Glucose is a critical fuel for brain energy.
ALCAR also increased brain levels of a compound called myo-inositol, which is essential for producing several critical brain cell molecules required for efficient brain function.
Finally, ALCAR increased production of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine, which is essential for resisting depression, as well as focusing attention and learning.
With aging, certain critical parts of the metabolic chain within mitochondria become defective, thus impairing brain energy production. This causes a person to have difficulty remembering and learning new information. Fasting can help reverse this problem.
As we age, enzymes and cell receptors become less effective. This impairs cell energy production as well as other functions in the brain. Biochemist Bruce Ames has shown that taking high doses of B vitamins can give these sluggish enzymes a boost, making them work more like younger brain enzymes.
One of brain cells’ primary energy sources is fat, and L-carnitine’s main role is transferring certain fats into the mitochondria so that they can produce more energy molecules (ATP). It also has been shown that raising L-carnitine levels in older animals restored their liver and heart mitochondria to more youthful structure and function.
R-alpha lipoic acid — another natural compound found in all cells — has been shown to be a potent antioxidant. It also increases cellular energy production, restores the function of vitamins C and E, and can raise cell levels of glutathione levels, all of which are essential for good brain health.
Another study found that R-lipoic acid can restore memory mechanisms in older rats.
Finally, it has been shown that using R-lipoic acid together with ALCAR significantly improved mitochondrial enzyme activity in mice.
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