Dr. Erika Schwartz
Dr. Erika Schwartz is a leading national expert in wellness, disease prevention, and bioidentical hormone therapies. Dr. Schwartz has written four best-selling books, testified before Congress, hosted her own PBS special on bioidentical hormones, and is a frequent guest on network TV shows.

Tags: cancer | profit | natural health | dr. schwartz

Profits Drive Cancer Treatment

Erika Schwartz, M.D By Friday, 14 March 2025 02:18 PM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

After about 15 years of practicing conventional medicine, I started wondering about the information physicians are fed daily — some pretty ridiculous protocols set by medical societies and subsidized by drug companies, surgical instrument companies, and radiation screening machine makers.

And with the enormous profits they reap, this cancer industrial medical complex grows larger by the day.

But what good has come from it?

In spite of all these protocols, breast cancer patients are still dying every day. It’s been five decades since President Nixon signed legislation that started what came to be known as the War on Cancer, and we still do not have a cure.

And this is the result in spite of giving billions of dollars to the cancer medical industrial complex, which has long promised us a cure.

Why do we accept this?

If in half a lifetime conventional medicine has not found a cure, why does the industry pursue the same path, using the same outdated treatment modalities that have such a poor track record?

They do so because the profits are too high to give up. If they were to do something different, actually adopt a protocol that builds the body up to naturally destroy the cancer, they would lose enormous profits and shrink their industry down to something rather tiny.

After several years of being in private practice, seeing so many deaths from cancer, not to mention the horrible side effects of conventional cancer treatments, I started asking questions. And as I got the answers — backed up by scientific literature and the good results I achieved in my own practice — I began to turn away from the conventional thinking.

I decided to dedicate my life to helping people stay healthy by treating their bodies kindly. A healthy body prevents cancer naturally.

© 2025 NewsmaxHealth. All rights reserved.

After about 15 years of practicing conventional medicine, I started wondering about the information physicians are fed daily.
cancer, profit, natural health, dr. schwartz
Friday, 14 March 2025 02:18 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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