Tags: Dr. Fabrizio Mancini | healing foods | self healing | chronic disease | healthy diet

Foods That Heal Chronic Diseases

By    |   Wednesday, 11 December 2013 06:25 PM EST

Leading nutritional expert Dr. Fabrizio Mancini says that something amazing happens when you eat healing foods and give your body a break from junk foods, bad fats, refined flour, and sugar.

“I’ve seen hundreds of my patients cured of chronic disease, lose weight effortlessly, and feel their energy soar when they start eating certain fruits and vegetables that get digestion working properly,” Dr. Mancini tells Newsmax Health. He is president emeritus of Parker University in Dallas and author of The Power of Self-Healing.

Editor’s Note: Get Dr. Fuhrman’s Super Immunity for Only $4.95. Click here.

“When you eat right, you stop feeling bloated and congested, and best of all, you maximize your self-healing potential.”

Dr. Mancini points out that there have been thousands of studies showing that a diet heavy in fruits and vegetables protects against heart disease, cancer, and other chronic conditions. Pills, he says, are not the answer.

“We should stop throwing so many pills and drugs at diseases and just prescribe fruits and vegetables,” he says.

Here are Dr. Mancini’s top five foods for self-healing, whether you are overweight or have another chronic condition such as diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, high blood pressure, stomach problems, or fatigue.

“All of these foods fight disease, promote a strong immune system, and provide the nutrients you need to feel great,” he said. “Simply put, when you eat well, you feel well.”

1.  Broccoli. This super veggie fights cancer and is loaded with vitamin C to boost the immune system. It also helps normalize blood pressure and is rich in fiber for a healthy digestive system.
2.    Cherries. They help kill cancer cells. Cherries are also high in melatonin, a hormone that helps normalize sleep cycles. Melatonin acts like an antioxidant that protects cell membranes from damage. Cherry juice is touted as fighting chronic pain, gout, and heart disease.
3.      Chicory leaves. Toss chicory leaves (also known as "curly endive") into your salads because they have more vitamin A than any other salad green. Just a quarter cup of raw chicory greens provides all you need. Vitamin A is a potent self-healer, vital for a healthy immune system and protecting your vision. Most of the vitamin A in chicory comes from beta-carotene, a strong cancer fighter.
4.      Coconut oil. For years we’ve been warned to avoid tropical oils because they’re high in artery-clogging saturated fats. But today coconut oil is considered a nutritional super food. It has immune-stimulating properties thanks to lauric acid, a fatty acid in the oil. Lauric acid fights viruses and bacteria in the body. A teaspoon a day of coconut oil is all you need.
5.      Cranberries. This Thanksgiving dinner staple doubles as a natural remedy for many ailments. One of the most common is urinary infections because cranberries keep harmful bacteria from sticking to the lining of the urinary tract. The active ingredient in cranberries is a group of phytochemicals called proanthocyanins.  Drinking eight ounces of cranberry juice that contain at least 27 percent juice can help prevent recurrent infections. But the self-healing power of these colorful berries doesn’t end there. They contain more phenols than red grapes, which are the plant chemicals that help prevent the formation of LDL cholesterol in the arteries.

Editor’s Note: Get Dr. Fuhrman’s Super Immunity for Only $4.95. Click here.

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Leading nutritional expert Dr. Fabrizio Mancini says that something amazing happens when you eat healing foods and give your body a break from junk foods, bad fats, refined flour, and sugar. "I've seen hundreds of my patients cured of chronic disease, lose weight...
Dr. Fabrizio Mancini,healing foods,self healing,chronic disease,healthy diet
Wednesday, 11 December 2013 06:25 PM
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