A leading neuroscientist says that to protect your brain, do not check your phone for texts or phone messages as soon as you wake up. The Arizona-based expert Emily McDonald says that giving yourself 20 minutes before diving into a morning scroll leads to a healthier brain.
According to Study Finds, McDonald says that while your brain is transitioning from sleep to wakefulness, you need to give it time to adjust.
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“Going on your phone first thing messes with your dopamine,” she explains. “It creates a craving to keep you wanting to pick up your phone. I wake up and listen to or say positive affirmations. I put sleep mode on.”
The same rule applies to pre-bedtime routines. McDonald says that we should switch off our laptops, phones, TVs, and other electronic devices at least an hour before going to sleep. You should also avoid eating a bedtime snack that includes processed foods like potato chips or sliced deli meats.
“Processed foods have been linked to cognitive aging, giving us brain fog and forgetfulness,” the expert warns. “Whole foods and good fats are good for our brain, such as avocados and blueberries.”
Another thing to avoid first thing in the morning is negative self-talk. “What you tell yourself changes how you view the world. If you say, ‘Today is going to be a great day,’ that tells your brain to look for things that are great,” says McDonald. Our brains are wired to respond to our thoughts, so the more positive you are, the healthier and more resilient your brain becomes.
She adds that instead of subjecting your brain to early morning stimuli, try meditating instead. Meditation has anti-aging effects, including encouraging the birth of new brain cells in the hippocampus, which controls our learning and memory.
“It keeps your brain young,” she adds. “I do it every single day.”
Lynn C. Allison ✉
Lynn C. Allison, a Newsmax health reporter, is an award-winning medical journalist and author of more than 30 self-help books.
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