February is just around the corner and with it, come two very important red letter events. February is Heart Health Month as well as Valentine’s Day, so it’s time to celebrate the ways we can keep our hearts — and those of our loved ones — healthy and happy.
“The heart is the most important muscle of the body,” Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, author of “Real Cause, Real Cure,” tells Newsmax Heath. “It needs regular TLC to keep pumping blood and maintain the function of every cell throughout the body.
“Fortunately, simple lifestyle changes can achieve optimum heart health for most of us. And the best part is that these changes are easy and often pleasurable. So show your heart some love this February and it will thank you all year round.”
Here are Dr. Teitelbaum’s six tips for a healthy heart this Valentine’s Day:
Choose chocolate. Share some dark chocolate with your sweetheart. Studies show that eating less than an ounce a day can lower systolic blood pressure by three to four points. High blood pressure or hypertension which affects one in three American adults is a major contributor to cardiovascular disease or CVD.
Steal a kiss with garlic breath. Eating one to three cloves of fresh garlic daily is a good way to control high cholesterol, another major factor in CVD. You can crush the clove and add it to extra virgin olive oil for a yummy dip or dressing that can slash your cholesterol level by 10 to 12 points. Dr. Matthew Budoff, a cardiologist and researcher from Harbor-University of California-Los Angeles Medical Center found that taking aged garlic extract in liquid or capsule form helps reduce and reverse plaque formation on the arteries thus reducing your risk of heart attack and stroke.
Go nutty. Snack on a handful of tree nuts daily. Studies have shown that eating walnuts, which are rich in heart-protecting monounsaturated fats, can help lower blood cholesterol. The same is true of other tree nuts such as almonds and macadamia nuts.
Make this month “eggs-traordinary.” Contrary to popular belief, new studies reveal that eating even as many as six eggs a day has no effect on blood cholesterol levels. In fact, one study suggested that regular egg consumption lowers total cholesterol and raises the “good” HDL cholesterol in healthy adults. Eggs are also rich in heart healthy nutrients like protein, vitamin B12, riboflavin, vitamin D and folate.
Go fishing. The American Heart Association has endorsed the use of omega-3 fatty acids for secondary prevention of heart disease such as the prevention of angina, heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular events in people diagnosed with CVD. A high quality fish oil supplement, as well as regular consumption of fatty fish such as salmon, sardines and mackerel, are all great sources of omega-3s.
Say cheers with a healthy cocktail. Dr. Teitelbaum’s secret recipe dramatically improves cardiac function and energy production in just six weeks. Take 5 grams of ribose (try Corvalen d-ribose) three times daily along with 400 milligrams of coenzyme Q10, 200 milligrams of magnesium and 50 milligrams of B complex vitamins. After six weeks, you can reduce the ribose to twice daily doses and take only 200 milligrams of Co-Q10. Adding a Co-Q10 supplement is crucial for anyone taking cholesterol-lowering medications as these meds cause Co-Q10 deficiency.
By following these simple tips to show your heart some loving, you’ll feel the heart healthy difference.
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