Tags: prostate | pcf | patient guide | men | aging | enlarged prostate

New Information for Prostate Cancer Patients and Men at Risk

prostate cancer doctors look at a computer image of a man's abdomen and hip area
(Yui Mok/AP)

By    |   Monday, 13 May 2019 10:00 PM EDT

Prostate patients and their families can now have instant access to the latest information on treatment options with a stroke of a key. The Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF), the world's leading philanthropic organization funding and accelerating prostate cancer research, recently announced that the newly revised 2019 Prostate Cancer Patient Guide is available for free download at https://www.pcf.org/.

The guide is an easy-to-read resource for diagnosis, treatment, side effects, survivorship, and risk factors for patients and families with a history of prostate cancer.

"New discoveries are happening at a rate so rapid that even doctors at academic institutions can't always keep up much less docs at community urology practices," Colleen McKenna, of PCF tells Newsmax. "That's why we decided to take the latest information straight to patients, doctors, and family members."

Surprisingly, almost two out of three people do NOT know that prostate cancer has no symptoms at its earliest stages when it is 99% treatable, according to a PCF study, which is why screening and regular checkups are advised. And even more folks are not aware there are many treatment options available and the protocol for prostate cancer is no longer a
"once size fits all."

The 2019 Prostate Cancer Patient Guide focuses all of the information available about contemporary prostate cancer research, treatments and lifestyle factors into one consolidated resource. It is designed for any man who has been newly diagnosed, is in treatment, or is concerned about a rising prostate specific antigen (PSA).

The guide includes information for all family members about genetic cancer risks. It also helps any caregiver who wants to get directly to the "need-to-know" information for prostate cancer patient navigation.

"We at PCF work daily on the front lines of science to find treatments and cures for prostate cancer, and because of our investments over the past 25 years, we are in a remarkable period where progress for patients is taking place more rapidly than ever before," says Christine Jones, COO, PCF. "It is our duty to provide patients with the most comprehensive information available about prostate cancer so that they may have highly informed discussions with their doctors and make the best choices based on state-of-the-art medical research."

To further improve access to information that can improve outcomes by getting patients to the right clinical trials, PCF has also launched its prostate cancer clinical trial finder in collaboration with Smart Patients, an online community where patients and their families can learn from each other. The tool allows men to search based on their disease state, stage, and their geographical location.

"For many years this information was only available to people who knew someone in the PCF network," McKenna said. "Now all people can have access to the latest information and become an active participant in their own care."

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Prostate patients and their families can now have instant access to the latest information on treatment options with a stroke of a key.
prostate, pcf, patient guide, men, aging, enlarged prostate
Monday, 13 May 2019 10:00 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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