The prevalence of prostate cancer is rising universally. The enlargement of the prostate gland causes the most visible symptom of prostate cancer. This cancer is the third most common cause of death due to cancer.
Digital rectal examination and routine testing of prostate specific antigen are important ways to diagnose prostate cancer. Sometimes, difficulty in penile erection is cause of concern, indicating possible prostate cancer. Early treatments of any symptoms or signs are advisable for a complete cure. Either prostate cancer can grow very slowly, remaining confined to the prostate gland – a situation that may not require invasive treatments, or it may progress aggressively – a situation where it demands emergency treatments. Sometimes, pelvic lymph gland enlargement is caused due to the spread of prostate cancer. People with prostate cancer can experience pelvic and back pain, with the cancer metastasis being the cause of their pain.
It is easy to cure prostate cancer using treatments if it is detected in the early stages. Nevertheless, as prostate cancer causes no specific visible symptoms in the early stages, doctors usually diagnose it only in the later stages. This makes it very important to undergo periodic prostate-specific antigen test to diagnose prostate cancer in the early stages. However, there are many causes of false positive results of PSA, which must be discounted while reaching a final diagnosis. As there are many causes with signs related to urination, it is always advised to confirm diagnosis of prostate conditions to rule out cancer. Treatments of prostate cancer vary based upon causes such as its aggressiveness, stage, and age of the patient.
Usually, early stages of this cancer do not need any specific treatments, except a close watch to monitor disease progression. Radiation therapy and surgery are the major treatments for cancers that show progression. Treatments using drugs to stop male hormone production is also used to arrest the growth of the prostate gland. In early stages, prostate cancer can be cured in its entirety. Cure rates for this cancer are very high and nearly 90 to 95 percent of people can be cured within four to five years.
The cure from this deadly disease is possible by watch, radiation, surgery, hormones, and chemotherapy.
Abiraterone drug has been showing promising results in the cure of prostate cancer.
Many people suffering from prostate cancer are advised radiation therapy. Targeted radiation treatments are becoming more popular as treatments of cancer. Intensity-modulated radiation therapy has also been practiced.
Radiation therapy is conducted with high-energy X-rays, with the possibility of either external radiation therapy or internal radiation therapy to burn off cancerous cells. However, radiation has been linked with some side effects. People report increased incidence of impotence or urinary diseases after-term treatments using radiations.
Many people try natural cures for dealing with this disease condition. Some natural cures such as ginger extract, niacinamide, and zinc are very popular.
Genetic research is a promising tool to cure this problem as genetic faults and mutations are an important cause of prostate cancer.
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