Heart Rate Per Step Smartwatch Data Reveals Fitness
Folks frequently use their smartwatches to monitor their daily step count, aiming to get enough physical activity to improve their health. But smartwatches are tracking another measure of health that could prove even more important, a new study suggests. Smartwatches also...
Why Night Owls Are Prone to Depression
Night owls - people who stay up late - have been shown to have an increased risk of depression. And now a new study says why that might be. Dusk dwellers tend to be less mindful - that is, less engaged in the present moment, researchers found. That, along with poor sleep...
Best Vitamins for Boosting Hair Growth
Hair loss can be devastating for both men and women who view their once radiant tresses as their crowning glory. The average head of hair has about 150,000 strands and it is normal to lose about 100 strands a day. But as we get older, the rate of hair growth slows, so you...
Study: Chewing on Wood Improves Memory
Chew on this! A new study found that chewing on hard materials like wood may boost memory. Chewing on hard materials increases the amount of the antioxidant glutathione (GSH) in the brain, according to researchers, while chewing softer surfaces, like gum, did not have the...
Playing With Dogs Reduces Stress, Heart Rate
Playing with a dog for just 15 minutes can significantly reduce a person's stress, a new study reports. Stressed students who interacted with a friendly dog reported less stress, had a reduced heart rate and had lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol in their saliva,...
Nostalgia Promotes Friendships, Mental Health
Nostalgia might be met by eyerolls from some, as the emotion might inspire insipid images of rose-tinted glasses, gooey sentimentality and living in a time-lost past. But people prone to nostalgia have an edge when it comes to their health and well-being, a new study...
Prevent Leading Cause of Young Adult Cancer Deaths
Colorectal cancer is increasing 2% to 4% annually in people ages 20 to 49. And it is expected to become the leading cause of cancer death in this age group by the year 2030. Researchers have observed a significant increase in colorectal cancer cases, particularly in those...
Spouse Benefits When Partner Has Joint Replacement
Knee or hip replacement is a major surgery, and many people must lean hard on their spouses to care for them during weeks to months of recuperation. But all that hassle is absolutely worthwhile for the one providing care for their temporarily disabled partner, a new study...
Slouching Harms Your Health: How to Improve Posture
Maintaining good posture is essential for overall health and well-being. It helps keep your bones and joints in correct alignment so that muscles are used properly, decreasing the abnormal wear and tear of joint surfaces. Good posture also prevents muscle fatigue and...
Parenting Keeps the Brain Young
Having more children may be worth the extra grey hairs. A new study reveals that parenting, especially having multiple children, enhances brain connectivity, particularly in the areas associated with cognitive decline. Both mothers and fathers experienced the benefits,...
Swearing Boosts Strength and Pain Tolerance
Letting a stream of four-letter words fly may do your body good. According to a new study, researchers found that swearing is "a drug-free, calorie-neutral, and cost-free means of self help." U.K. researcher Richard Stephens found that swearing is linked to hypoalgesia, or...
Music Soothes Depression in Dementia Patients
Music therapy can help lift the spirits and ease depression in people with dementia, a new evidence review has found. Findings suggest that music-based therapy probably improves depressive symptoms and might even improve behavioral issues by the end of treatment, researchers...
Why Clocks Are Set Forward in the Spring
Once again, most Americans will set their clocks forward by one hour this weekend, losing perhaps a bit of sleep but gaining more glorious sunlight in the evenings as the days warm into summer. Where did this all come from, though? How we came to move the clock forward in the...
Why Sleep Gets Harder With Age
Tossing and turning more as you age? You're not alone - and experts think they know why. Dr. Shelby Harris, a sleep psychologist in White Plains, N.Y., explained that stress, sleep structure and hormonal changes can impact sleep as people age. "As we start to move into our...
Earbuds Harbor More Bacteria Than a Cutting Board
Your faithful earbuds can be harboring nasty bacteria, especially staphylococcus and pseudomonas, two types that can cause infection. Cleaning your earbuds, headphones and other devices that enter or surround your ears is critical not only for improved quality of sound, but...
Exercise Linked to Better Mental, Brain Health
Moving your body helps your brain, a new study suggests. Folks who regularly exercise have better mental and brain health, researchers will report in early April at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology in San Diego and online. Moderate to vigorous physical...
An Orange a Day Protects Against Depression
A study published in the journal BMC Microbiome found a link between eating citrus fruit and a decreased risk of depression. In fact, researchers said this one daily practice lowered the risk of depression by 20%. According to Women's Health, the unique benefit of citrus in...
Just One Hour of Screens Raises Nearsightedness Risk
Each hour a person spends squinting into a smartphone or staring at a screen increases their risk of nearsightedness, a new evidence review suggests. Every daily one-hour increment in digital screen time is associated with 21% higher odds of myopia, researchers reported...
6 Science-Backed Ways to Be Happier
The pursuit of happiness is a universal endeavor that transcends cultures, ages, and backgrounds. Research has found that happier individuals tend to live longer, exhibit stronger immune systems, and maintain more meaningful connections with others. Many people would say a...
Juice Cleanses Can Harm Health in Just 3 Days
Juice cleanses are a popular way to kickstart a health journey, but these diets may do more harm than good in as little as three days. A study published recently in the journal Nutrients found that consuming vegetable and fruit juice-only diets for three days triggered...
Friends' Opinions Matter in Romantic Relationships
This Valentine's Day, are you ready for something real or still playing the field? New research suggests your friends probably share similar notions about your readiness for lasting love. Researchers at Michigan State University in East Lansing tracked data on nearly 800...
Being Optimistic May Help You Save More Money
Turns out, looking on the bright side may do more than lift your mood! It could also help you save money, especially if you're on a tight budget.A study published recently in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that people who are more optimistic about...
Flossing Cuts Stroke Risk By Up to 44 Percent
Flossing protects your brain as well as your gums, a new study suggests. People who floss their teeth at least once a week are reducing their risk of stroke caused by a blood clot, researchers are scheduled to report Wednesday at a meeting of the American Stroke Association...
'Floor Time' Trend Really Can Reduce Stress
There's a TikTok trend that's garnered millions of views and advocates say it relieves stress. The "floor time" trend recommends spending time lying on your back on the ground. Floor time followers say the practice revives them, calms the mind and eases stress. According to...
How to Nap to Boost Cognition
If you want to boost brain power the easy way, take a nap. That's the advice of researchers who found that even a 10-minute nap can boost cognition and learning capabilities. Michael Chee, the director of the Center for Sleep and Cognition at the National University of...