New 6-Step Program to Change Your Life . . .

“Want to help keep your mind sharp? Listen to Dr. Sabbagh, one of the pre-eminent neurologists on the planet.”

— Dean Ornish, M.D.

The process of aging is a bumpy ride.

Most older adults dream of spending their retirement years happily pursuing their interests. Enjoying the rewards of working hard throughout their lives.

But they also suffer with common fears.

According to one study, the condition feared most by Americans aged 60 and over is Alzheimer’s or dementia.

So if you’re scared stiff by the thought of losing your memory, mind, and independence — and ending up in a nursing home during your “golden years,” you’re not alone.

And your fear is certainly valid.

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, one in three seniors will die with Alzheimer’s or another dementia. In fact, it kills more folks than breast and prostate cancer combined.

And while Alzheimer’s is the 6th leading cause of death in the U.S., the top killer of Americans is heart disease.

Every minute, someone in the U.S. dies from a heart attack. And every year, over 659,000 Americans succumb to some form of cardiovascular disease.

Fortunately, many people with heart disease don’t die.

But over 2 million people each year are forced to get expensive stents to hold their coronary arteries open. And 900,000 endure the acute pain and trauma of actual heart surgery, including coronary bypass, valve replacement, and heart transplants.

Not to mention the costly and side effect-laden prescription drugs millions of folks take for various heart and brain conditions.

This might paint a grim, painful, and expensive picture for growing old. Fortunately, however, a brand-new book points the way toward a brighter future.

A future without debilitating and deadly disease, costly drugs, and dreaded medical procedures.

Good News! Avoiding Heart and
Brain Disasters Is Now Possible

Part how-to guide and part inspiration, STRONG HEART, SHARP MIND combines the motivational voice of long-term cardiac bypass survivor Joe Piscatella with the authoritative scientific insights of neurologist and leading Alzheimer’s expert Dr. Marwan Sabbagh.

STRONG HEART, SHARP MIND begins by examining the interrelationship between heart and brain health. But more importantly, it offers a proven drug-free program to optimize both vital organs — one based on the latest research.

This easy-to-follow innovative heart/brain program was developed not only by the authors, but also by other leading-edge practitioners in this exciting new field at the intersection of two major organs.

The Surprising Connection Between
Cardiovascular Disease and Alzheimer’s

Mounting evidence suggests a much more intimate relationship between these two diseases than previously thought.

The powerful connection between the brain and heart has traditionally been believed to be based on blood flow.

And that makes sense, because any dysfunction of the circulatory systems makes people vulnerable to disorders such as heart disease, stroke, Type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and other forms of dementia.

However, STRONG HEART, SHARP MIND reveals additional eye-opening connections between heart and brain — and what can be done to prevent, minimize, or defeat disorders affecting both organs.

The authors note that well-known risk factors for cardiovascular disease are remarkably similar to those of Alzheimer’s disease.

However, this wasn’t well understood in the past.

Researchers didn’t know, for example, that both high blood pressure and Type 2 diabetes, long known as culprits for heart disease, are also risk factors for Alzheimer’s.

They didn’t know that the APOE gene associated with higher rates of Alzheimer’s is also implicated in heart disease.

They didn’t know that elevated cholesterol — a well-known risk factor in heart disease — is also linked to higher levels of amyloid, the substance that forms the brain tangles characteristic of Alzheimer’s.

Fortunately, these common risk factors for heart and brain health — high blood pressure, diabetes, and elevated cholesterol — are all conditions that can be managed, controlled, and sometimes even reversed.

What’s more, mounting evidence suggests that some cases of Alzheimer’s can now be considered as more of a chronic condition, rather than a hopeless affliction.

An Easy 6-Step Roadmap to
Brain-Body Balance

You may have heard that “what’s good for the heart is good for the brain.”

But reaching a balance between brain and body is not as simple as doing the same things you’d do for a healthy heart and expect to have a healthy brain, too.

Or course, the building blocks are similar, with themes such as exercise, diet, and so forth. But STRONG HEART, SHARP MIND takes you a giant leap further.

It contains expanded but easy-to-follow applications of these lifestyle factors — the right kind and duration of exercise, the correct combination of foods, the most effective approach to cognitive stimulation and activity — to provide you with maximum benefit for the function of both life-giving organs.

This offers you not only greater protection against cardiovascular conditions and Alzheimer’s disease, but also improved overall health, enhanced vitality, and a better quality of life into old age.

Few authorities have explored this connection like the authors and other experts noted in STRONG HEART, SHARP MIND. Think of this book as a potent one-two punch of lifestyle interventions that can maximize your heart and brain health.

If you follow the simple 6-step plan in this book, you’ll have a greater chance of returning to the top of your game. With the mental sharpness and energy that helps you flourish in a fast-paced and challenging world.

Newsmax Health has long recognized the necessity of maintaining the optimal health of both brain and heart for a better future. That’s why they want to give you a FREE COPY of this new life-saving book (a $24.99 value) with this exclusive offer.

Joseph Piscatella, Author & Speaker

As president of the Institute for Fitness and Health, Inc. in Tacoma, Washington, Joseph Piscatella lectures extensively to a variety of clients, including medical organizations, corporations, and professional associations, and is a consultant on major wellness projects for Fortune 500 companies, the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, and U.S. Air Force. Mr. Piscatella is the only non-medical member of the National Institute of Health Cardiac Rehabilitation Expert Panel.

In STRONG HEART, SHARP MIND, you’ll discover:

  • How older brains — even those already compromised by early-stage dementia — can still continue to adapt, improve, and gain new skills . . .
  • Why you should keep up with a practice of life-long learning to delay the effects of aging . . .
  • The blood protein that, when elevated, increases your risk of heart attack, stroke, and dementia (plus, the inexpensive vitamins that can decrease levels of this dangerous protein naturally) . . .
  • A new technique that not only relaxes brain and body in 12 minutes, but also notably improves your cognitive function . . .
  • How to spike higher levels of your own personal “brain fertilizer” with a simple fitness formula (good news: This lowers your odds of developing both dementia and heart disease) . . .
  • Why women are at particular risk for the restricted blood flow that can impair both brain and heart function . . .
  • The specific form of cholesterol that, when elevated during mid-life, increases Alzheimer’s risk in later years (fortunately, you’ll find easy ways to lower it) . . .
  • A scorecard to rate your improvement in heart and brain health (hint: Trying to do too much, too quickly is a recipe for failure) . . .
  • How to take the scientifically proven Mediterranean diet to the next level, with delicious, easy-to-prepare menu ideas from a registered dietician (eating this way is particularly beneficial for older adults) . . .
  • Why the APOE gene IS the “smoking gun” in the mystery of the heart-brain connection (but not necessarily the villain you’ve been led to believe it is) . . .
  • A simple way to cut your heart attack risk in half by reducing your total cholesterol by 40 points . . .
  • Why poor sleep contributes to Alzheimer’s and cardiac risk (and 9 simple ways to get all the sleep you need) . . .
  • How to take an enjoyable “time out” from unrelenting stress (warning: Chronic stress causes brain shrinkage in areas linked to memory) . . .
  • Fascinating and inspiring stories that demonstrate how to put this program into action in your own life simply and easily . . .
  • And much, much more . . .

Your Free Book Also Comes
With Four Bonus Reports

To jumpstart your progress towards a healthier brain and heart, you’ll also receive 4 FREE BONUS REPORTS:

FREE Report 1: What You Can Do to Prevent Sudden Cardiac Death

Are you at risk for sudden cardiac death? These fatal events happen about 1,000 times each day in the U.S. outside of hospitals. This bonus report from cardiologist Dr. Chauncey Crandall explains the difference between sudden cardiac death and heart attacks. Plus, you’ll see if you are at elevated risk. The good news: New research suggests that sometimes there are warning signs to prompt you to see your doctor before it’s too late. Dr. Crandall also offers six tips to help prevent sudden cardiac death altogether.

FREE Report 2: Red Flag for Early Dementia

While Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia, another type called frontotemporal dementia (FTD) occurs earlier, typically affecting those in their 50s and 60s. In this report, Gary Small, M.D., reveals the odd “red flag” symptom that is typically the first sign of this condition — yet is often mistaken for depression. Earlier diagnosis is important, as it leads to earlier treatment to help manage the symptoms. This report also addresses symptoms and risk factors for dementia, and a groundbreaking discovery that could lead to new Alzheimer’s treatments.

FREE Report 3: Cut Your Stroke Risk Now

Every year, about 130,000 Americans die from strokes — also known as “brain attacks.” This condition is the #1 cause of severe disability, often leaving people unable to walk, speak, or live independently. In this bonus report, cardiologist Dr. Chauncey Crandall explains the different types of strokes and how to prevent them (fortunately, most strokes are preventable). Dr. Crandall also discusses how COVID-19 complicates stroke risk and heart care — and reveals the latest news on two revolutionary new treatments for strokes.

FREE Report 4: Being Heart Healthy Boosts Brain Health

Heart disease is the number one cause of death for Americans. However, the disease we fear most may be Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia, according to a new Harris Poll. Over the past 30 years, it has become obvious that many of the same risk factors that can lead to heart disease also increase your risk for dementia. This special report outlines the key steps to improving brain health and cognitive resilience to help avoid losing abilities such as thinking, remembering, problem solving, and learning.


3 Issues of Dr. Chauncey Crandall’s
Heart Health Report

It’s “added insurance” to have a noted heart doctor in your corner.

And in Heart Health Report, leading interventional cardiologist Dr. Chauncey Crandall keeps you up-to-date with the latest and best advice to prevent or reverse heart disease, the #1 killer of Americans. You’ll discover the very same methods he uses to help patients who travel from around the globe to see him at his Florida clinic.

Each month, Heart Health Report provides you with the knowledge you need to:

  • Slash your risk for a heart attack
  • Keep your blood pressure in check
  • Lower your cholesterol safely and easily — even without statin drugs
  • Minimize your need for dangerous medical procedures like bypass surgery
  • Keep your heart ticking smoothly for a long and healthy life

And for the length of your trial subscription, you’ll enjoy 24/7 access to the entire archive of all Heart Health Report issues.

Look up any heart health-related subject that concerns you. Read the articles at your leisure — or print them out to take with you to your next doctor’s visit.

Plus 5 Issues of The Mind Health Report

Because your brain health is so crucial, you’ll also get a 5-month trial subscription to The Mind Health Report, the monthly newsletter from Newsmax Health.

Every month, The Mind Health Report brings you unequaled access to leading brain experts. You’ll discover how to power-pack your brain for happiness and success, sharpen your memory and thought processes, beat back depression, make better decisions, improve your relationships and family life, and gain other tips to protect your body’s most important organ.

You’ll enjoy topics such as:

  • Simple and fun brain exercises
  • Lifestyle tips to keep your mind alert and focused
  • Memory disorders and how to reverse them
  • Natural supplements and nutritional advice for a happy brain
  • How to deal with stress, anxiety, and insomnia
  • Overcoming fatigue, depression, and other disorders
  • And much more

New research findings (explained in practical language) give you plenty of ways to boost your own brainpower, and ultimately your overall health. You’ll find tips, tricks, and techniques to improve your mind’s capabilities simply, easily, and enjoyably.

In fact, The Mind Health Report is absolutely jammed full of brain-enhancing information and strategies to help you enjoy the happy, healthy, and contented life you deserve — regardless of your age. After all, nothing is more important than brain health, because your brain affects every part of your body and all of your emotions. And when you understand how your brain works, you can control it in ways that dramatically improve your life.

Plus, as a subscriber, you’ll have the entire archive of The Mind Health Report at your fingertips — with 24-hour access to all past issues.

I’m sure you’ll love reading The Mind Health Report every single month. And all your relationships in life will certainly benefit. But you are under no obligation to continue your subscription. Your satisfaction is guaranteed.

So Let’s Recap . . .

With this exclusive offer, you’ll receive your own FREE copy of the new book STRONG HEART, SHARP MIND (a $24.99 value)! You merely cover a small $4.95 shipping charge.

Plus, you’ll receive four FREE bonus reports valued at $40.

And you’ll also receive 3 issues of Dr. Crandall's Heart Health Report and 6 issues of The Mind Health Report — along with full access to the online archive of all past issues for the duration of each of your trial subscriptions.

The fate of your heart and your brain does not lie entirely in your genes — it’s in your hands. Of course, you can’t change the cards you were dealt, but you can change the way you play them.

So don’t lose your opportunity to receive your own copy of STRONG HEART, SHARP MIND and all the additional bonuses, particularly when you can get everything FREE with this special offer.

Claim Your FREE Gifts
With This Special Offer!

YES! I want to see how to defend myself against crippling heart and brain disease for a brighter future. So please send my copy of STRONG HEART, SHARP MIND for only $4.95 shipping and handling. Also email my 3 FREE bonus reports immediately and start my risk-free trial subscriptions to Dr. Crandall's Heart Health Report for 3 months and The Mind Health Report for 6 months.

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YES! I want to see how to defend myself against crippling heart and brain disease for a brighter future. So please send my copy of STRONG HEART, SHARP MIND for only $4.95 shipping and handling. Also email my 4 FREE bonus reports and start my risk-free trial subscriptions to Dr. Crandall's Heart Health Report for 3 months and The Mind Health Report for 5 months.

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