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Tags: iron dome | sdi | star wars | space defense | reagan

Revive, Implement Reagan's Affordable 'Iron Dome'

conceptual image of ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons orbiting earth in space

Henry F. Cooper By Friday, 31 January 2025 01:57 PM EST Current | Bio | Archive

I certainly welcome President Trump’s commitment to build The Iron Dome for America, but am concerned the ongoing public comments may confuse his understanding of the best possibilities.

Additionally, the repeated use of arguments from the critics who opposed Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) is troubling, especially since the necessary technology was already being developed over three decades ago.

Indeed, see my very first Newsmax article published on August 17, 2017 — co-authored with Retired Lt. Gen. Jim Abrahamson, SDI’s first Director, and titled America Must Revive Space-Based Defense Initiatives. Were he still alive, I’m certain that USAF Lt. Gen. George Monahan — SDI’s second Director — would have joined us.

George could have testified that he fired the Air Force from managing the nation’s space-based defense development efforts because they ignored the then-emerging private sector’s technological capabilities, and he managed the “Brillant Pebbles” Task Force within SDI Headquarters, reporting directly to him. Abe and I made this point in our above-linked Newsmax article.

(I hope Elon Musk reads this! Note: He once was well aware of at least some SDI initiatives. See “Space X Lands a Milestone Safely Returning Super Heavy Booster” which I co-authored with Jess Sponable — who led SDI’s early satellite launch, recover and relaunch efforts — and Dan Goldin — who led the TRW Brilliant Pebbles efforts and later, as NASA’s longest-serving administrator, supported demonstration of that post-SDI launch-recover-relaunch capability.)

Moreover, following our SDI watch, some of our initiatives lived on, though naysayers tried to block any remnant of Reagan’s so-called Star Wars effort as they claimed that SDI efforts were only a fantasy. For example, then Defense Secretary Les Aspin claimed in his first directives that he was “taking the Stars out of Star Wars,” and he directed the cancelation of SDI’s space-based defense efforts.

Subsequently, our missile defense efforts have primarily focused on much more expensive and less effective surface-based defenses. Naysayers even sought to cancel our sea-based defenses — thankfully unsuccessfully so, and today we have a global defense capability at sea — and ground-based versions protect U.S. equities (e.g., Hawaii and Guam) and those of some of our allies.

But air-based and space-based defenses have been neglected, as Dale Teitz and I wrote seven years ago in our August 24, 2017 Newsmax article ... and, unfortunately, this article with minor editing is still pertinent.

It should be noted that, if appropriately designed, both air- and space-based defenses could intercept attacking missiles in their boost phase — before they can release their weapons into the upper atmosphere; thus, countering the “hypersonic threat.”

This technology was a near-term technology possibility three decades ago — today’s technology should be even better. (Check it out, Elon!)

What made the SDI effective in truly innovative technical activities was that it had Reagan’s person interest and support — and his secretary of Defense was very much on-board. That interest and support continued through my watch, but it ended during the Clinton years and has never yet been restored.

Now is the time to return to the future! The naysayers still abound as illustrated by several recent press reports, including by individuals who ought to know better.

Some opposition is quite deliberate by those who believe that space should be kept pristine, and they seek “arms control agreements” to keep the peace. A major problem with this position is that many opponents “cheat” on their agreements and they definitely should not be trusted when it comes to building and sustaining our superiority in space.

From my perspective, including during my time negotiating with the Soviet Union to protect President Reagan’s SDI, I much prefer to seek “Peace Through Strength” including in space.

That means we should excel with space-based defenses — in the near term with space-based interceptors and subsequently with space-based directed energy defensive systems.

Our technologists can do this job ... if our political leaders support them. Reagan did. Will Trump? Elon Musk?

Ambassador Henry F. Cooper, a PhD engineer with a broad defense and national security career, was President Ronald Reagan’s Chief Defense and Space Negotiator with the Soviet Union and Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) Director during the George H.W. Bush Administration. Read Ambassador Cooper’s Reports Here.

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Now is the time to return to the future! The naysayers still abound as illustrated by several recent press reports, including by individuals who ought to know better.
iron dome, sdi, star wars, space defense, reagan
Friday, 31 January 2025 01:57 PM
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