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Ice Age Is Coming, World Scientists Once Warned

Ice Age Is Coming, World Scientists Once Warned

By    |   Friday, 15 June 2018 03:17 PM EDT

What’s the difference between a climate scientist and Chicken Little?

Answer: nothing. They both think the sky is falling.

We are all supposed to be in a panic because the earth is warming — and we are the culprits responsible. At least, that is what the media and politicians keep warning. How can all these brilliant scientists in the world’s greatest universities be wrong? Well give me a couple of minutes and I will try to explain just why these journalists and meteorologists might be just intellectual sheep — following each other in a needless emotional panic.

First, I do believe evidence that the world is warming. Temperature readings and photos of icefields melting is not fake news. But is mankind the main culprit? We are certainly being brainwashed daily that this is a fact. Maybe it is a more of an opinion.

I concede that many of the science doomsayers are brilliant people and know exactly why things happened in the past through careful study of glaciers, trees, and other accurate historical barometers. But how does that turn them into psychics and foretellers of the future?

It is obvious to us all that weather forecasters have problems in predicting weather a month, a week, or even a day into the future. They cannot even accurately forecast recurring weather events like El Nino or La Nina in the Pacific until these are already under way. But, they confidently say, we can forecast world temperatures 20 or 30 years from now. And we can tell what will cause this: manmade carbon dioxide in the atmosphere!

Why don’t journalists ask them the real question: show me some published predictions you (the scientists) published 25 years ago that actually came true? Answer: because the media doesn’t want to rain on this politically-correct earth-warming subject that frightens people, sells magazines, and glues viewers to their TV.

We know that the earth’s climate has been seesawing from hot to extreme frigidity for millions of years, long before humans or their carbon dioxide. So why is it just carbon dioxide this time? Doesn’t our media want to question this?

Why should we all be skeptical about man made global warming?

I have an answer that might surprise you. Go back about 40 years into the seventies and discover what the same world-renowned climate experts and college professors (not the exact same people but their forebears with about the same titles) were predicting for the world’s weather. Of course: The Sky is Falling.

Media outlets all over the world were using the climatologists to prepare us for doom. This time it wasn’t global warming. In the 70s it was: Warning- an Ice Age is Coming.

What … an ice age? Sure, one after another of the eminent experts and climatologists were spending countless hours poring over historic evidence then publishing their scary conclusions: Baby it’s going to be cold outside.

Some examples: Between 1973 and 1977 the great TIME magazine had a number of blaring Page One covers like: “The Cooling of America”; “The Big Freeze” and “How to Survive the Coming Ice Age” (with a sub head “Things You Can Do to Make a Difference.”)

Bad news just like today, except that the predictions were for the earth to become a refrigerator instead of an oven! They even used fossil fuel use as one of the causes. The dust particles from emissions and coal burning were reflecting sunlight. It was the fault of mankind.

They were wrong then, just 50 years ago — a tiny blink in the life of the planet. Why should we believe they are right now?

All over the industrialized map in the seventies, top scientists encouraged by the press were warning of doom. Take the Australian paper The Canberra Times of Nov 22, 1974, which ran an AP story (distributed around the world) that quoted Prof. George Denton of the University of Maine as saying: Ice Age is due soon.

Then there was marine geologist Casare Emiliani of the University of Miami quoted in the prestigious Science magazine that things were soon going to get very c-o-l-d (he did not spell it like that).

Major expert John Firor, Executive Director for the National Center for Atmosphere Research in Boulder, Colorado, was quoted in the LATimes/Washington Post wire service (a believable guy who surely knew what is coming!) He gave specific reasons for the ice age warning. The average temperature in Iceland had dropped two and a half degrees since 1945; the length of the growing season in England was two weeks shorter than in 1950, just 25 years before; glaciers in the Italian Alps were beginning to grow and move for the first time in 50 years.

The Science section in TIME under the heading “Another Ice Age” suggested that the “tell tale signs were everywhere.” Temperatures in America’s Midwest had dropped 2.7 degrees since the 40s. And man was possibly responsible (sound familiar) because farming and burning fossil fuel was sending dust and particles in the air and blocking sunlight. Their experts had another theory: The Sun is our main warming engine and all kinds of things from sunspots to the angle of the earth can make it warm us more or less. So solar radiation was a possible culprit (is it likely this could be the cause of our present warming?) The Science section in TIME had a little map showing that the freezing Arctic was expanding big time and this was causing a devastating six-year drought in Africa.

The Science section in June 14, 1974, went on to quote the University of Toronto Climatologist Dr. Kenneth Hare, former president of the Royal Meteorological Society (maybe the premier climate body in the world) giving a grim prediction. “I don’t believe that the world’s population is sustainable if there are more than three more years like 1972.” Would you want this guy to predict your future?

Sept. 9 of 1972 saw The Windsor Star (Canada) run an AP story headlined: THERE’S AN ICE AGE COMING! Professor Hubert Lamb, director of Climate Research at the University of East Anglia in England said of world temperatures, “We are on a definite downhill curve for the next two centuries…the last 20 years of this century will be progressively colder.”

That 20 years prediction would have taken us to 1980-2000. Hopefully nobody in Arizona or Florida believed the warning and dumped their air conditioning systems!

The list is almost endless, with scientists jumping on the bandwagon and getting great publicity from the media. Familiar scenario?

Now I do believe there is global warming with evidence showing higher temperatures and melting glaciers. But I don’t believe that either pizza cooks, bus drivers, or even climatologists really know the reason for major weather change since our sun is the major driver of temperatures and climate factors are so complicated that present knowledge does not allow us to tell the future.

But if you believe today’s scientists are so different from the failures of the 70s, then be my guest. I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale.

P.S.: So why do so many climate scientists go along with the man-made warming theory? If they disagreed, most would not have a job. Why would anyone risk the scorn of the media by fighting the current opinion of the climatology hierarchy? Any university that challenged the Obama era environmental politically correct credo would never have received the government funding they all crave.

One typical example of how we are being brainwashed: a couple of years ago a reputable and fairly large state university hired a new president. In the local paper, she stated three goals, two of which were laudable, and one in which she said she would hire a prestigious climate scientist who would prove that global warning was caused by mankind. The word was not investigate but prove. Obviously nobody who wanted independent research would be hired — and this trend is still all over academia.

The local newspaper never even questioned the folly of her statement. Typical and it shows how either lazy or biased many of our journalists are today.

Scottish-born Iain Calder was Editor in Chief and President of the National Enquirer for more than 20 years. He saw the weekly circulation surge from about 700,00 to nearly 5 million at its peak – with over 20 million readers. Magazines edited by Calder have sold a total of over 4 billion copies. He has no connection with the present day Enquirer, which was bought by new owners not long after he left the company in 2000. Calder has been interviewed by the likes of Mike Wallace, 60 Minutes; Ted Koppel, Nightline; Katie Couric, NBC; and Geraldo Rivera and featured in newspapers and magazines around the world including The New York Times, the Times of London, Time and Newsweek magazines. He has lectured at major universities and once at the Reagan Library, where he had lunch with Nancy Reagan. To read more of his reports — Click Here Now.

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We are all supposed to be in a panic because the earth is warming — and we are the culprits responsible.
ice age, scientists, climate change, global warming
Friday, 15 June 2018 03:17 PM
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