Steven Law, president and CEO of American Crossroads, says the results of two special elections Tuesday send a loud and clear message to President Barack Obama: His imploding economy is dragging down all Democrats.

And the message to Democrats is that they should run away from Obama, said the head of American Crossroads, American Crossroads, a group that Republican guru Karl Rove conceived.
Law was referring to Republican Bob Turner’s stunning upset Tuesday in winning the 9th Congressional District seat in New York vacated by the resignation of disgraced former Rep. Anthony Weiner and the victory of Mark Amodei in Nevada's special election to fill a seat in the U.S. House.
"The clearest implication from the two special elections last night is that President Obama and the economy he owns have become an undeniable drag on Democrats running for Congress,” Law said. “While Obama had a net positive job approval rating when Democrats took the NY-26 special in May, the difference is that he was between 10-30 points upside down in polling in both house districts that voted yesterday."
“We hope these elections lead to a fresh batch of recruitment among Republicans considering campaigns for the House or Senate,” Law said. “With redistricting gains, and the tenuous districts that Democrats drew for themselves in Illinois, as many as 15-25 opportunities may arise for Republican pickup in the House alone.
“The big story of 2012 won't be Obama running against Congress but congressional Democrats running away from Obama.”
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