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Clarence V. McKee - The Silent Minority

Clarence McKee - Biography

Clarence V. McKee has an extensive background of accomplishment and expertise in law, media, corporate, government, legislative, international and political affairs. He is particularly skilled in the effective use of electronic and print media.

He is the former co-owner of WTVT-TV in Tampa where he was the guiding force behind the creation of the first Florida Lottery Television Network, developed partnerships with local businesses to raise funds for public education, and served on several boards, including Barnett Banks, Inc. Florida Power/Florida Progress Corporation, Checkers Drive-in-Restaurants and American Life Insurance Company.

He is a former chairman of the Florida Association of Broadcasters; served on the U.S. Senate Nutrition Committee for Senator Jacob K. Javits, writing food stamp and school lunch legislation; was a legal advisor to former FCC Commissioner Benjamin L. Hooks, where he assisted in drafting Equal Opportunity Rules for the broadcasting and cable television industries.

During the Reagan-Bush Administrations he was vice chairman of the Legal Services Corporation Board of Directors; Chairman of the District of Columbia Delegation to the Republican National Convention; and, Washington Counsel and lobbyist for the Angolan Freedom Fighters (UNITA).

He was appointed by Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, and re-appointed by Governor Charlie Crist, to the 17th Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission and to the Board of Commissioners of the North Broward Hospital District (“Broward Health”).

He was a member of the Florida Delegation to the 2008 Republican National Convention and coordinated the black radio and print media outreach effort for the Scott-Carroll Gubernatorial campaign.

His political commentary has appeared in national and Florida publications. He is a commissioner on the North Broward Hospital District, serving the northern two thirds of Broward County Florida and has been a member of the Florida Council of 100 and Associated Industries of Florida.

See Articles by Clarence McKee

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