Fareed Zakaria - Biography
Fareed Zakaria, an Indian-born naturalized American, has interviewed countless heads of state, from Barack Obama to Moammar Gadhafi to Shimon Peres to Tony Blair to Wen Jiabao. He is a frequent guest on both "The Daily Show" with Jon Stewart and "The Colbert Report." He hosts CNN's Emmy-nominated international affairs program "Fareed Zakaria GPS," and makes regular appearances on shows ranging from ABC’s "This Week" to BBC World News, to NBC's "Meet the Press."He has been editor at large at Time magazine since 2010, and spent 10 years overseeing Newsweek's foreign editions. He is a Washington Post (and internationally syndicated) columnist, and he currently serves as a trustee of Yale University. He is author of The Post-American World (translated into 30 languages), From Wealth to Power: The Unusual Origins of America's World Role and The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad.