Wayne Allyn Root - Biography
Wayne Allyn Root was the 2008 Libertarian Party vice presidential nominee.
A college classmate of Barack Obama at Columbia University (class of 1983), he is now the face and voice of Libertarian-conservative politics in the mainstream national media. The media calls him “the anti-Obama.” Root calls himself a Reagan libertarian — modeled after his heroes Ronald Reagan, Barry Goldwater, and Thomas Jefferson.
He is regular guest on TV networks including the Fox News Channel, Fox Business Network, CNBC, and radio shows hosted by Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, Jerry Doyle, and Mancow Muller. He recently added his own radio talk show, "W.A.R: The Wayne Allyn Root Show."
Root's political and business careers have been profiled on CNBC and CNN/Money, as well as in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Time magazine, Newsweek, Fortune, Equities, The Financial Times, Millionaire, Success, Entrepreneur, Worth, The Robb Report, and even Emmy magazine (among many others).
His new book is entitled "The Power of Relentless."
This high-profile small businessman, home-school father, citizen politician, and capitalist evangelist is now the recognized leader of a new American citizen revolution for smaller government; lower taxes; dramatically reduced government spending and entitlements; school choice; more economic and personal freedom; and more power for the people — just as the Founding Fathers intended.
His website is: www.rootforAmerica.com.