On Sept. 1, 2014, British Prime Minister, David Cameron announced temporary plans to block British jihadists with passports re-entry into Britain, and to withdraw passports for jihadists in Britain.
Cameron made it clear having a passport was not a right.
Over the past decades, Britain had an open-borders policy, not now. This decision met with immediate opposition from Muslims in Britain.
What is the Obama strategy to control the U.S. borders?
In 2009, the United States of America and the world were introduced to Obamaspeak, in which the War on Terror became an Overseas Contingency Operation, and terrorist attacks became man-caused disasters. Fast-forward to 2014, and the Trojan horse of home-grown Islamic terrorists with U.S. passports is a mounting national security concern.
Home-grown, meaning native or naturalized males and females.
Islamic terrorists are those who have succumbed to Islamic terrorist ideology. Islamic terror groups are recruiting young Americans who tend to be psychological outsiders.
Many are social misfits with troubled backgrounds, including domestic and sexual abuse, dysfunctional families, criminal histories, and mental and emotional problems. Ironically, these converts to Islam say that they find peace in the structure, acceptance, and religious mandates of Islam. Yet their conversions tend to make them fanatics accepting of terrorist actions such as mass murders, crucifixions, and the beheadings, as that of American journalist, James Foley.
Accepting the Islamist goal of a world Sharia — Islamic law — these young men and women are committed to imposing their new-found religion worldwide. They train to bringing the Islamic caliphate to America.
The key to the caliphate is its convert or die mentality.
U.S. passports come in two forms. A book authorizes travel worldwide; while a card authorizes valid entry into the United States at land crossings and seaports for those traveling from Canada, Mexico, Bermuda, or The Caribbean but does not cover international air travel.
To obtain a U.S. passport, one must show proof of U.S. citizenship, born or naturalized, identification including a recent color photograph, and payment of passport fees. The passport book or card contains the person’s full name, nationality, date of birth, place of birth, and dates of issue and expiration. Many non-citizens use forged documents to obtain U.S. passports.
When a U.S. citizen — USC — departs the United States, his or her passport should be electronically recorded before boarding a plane. Thus, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security — DHS — should know the time, date, and place of departure of a U.S. citizen, along with the airline and its destination.
Should know does not always translate to what happens — as DHS has been known to have other priorities. DHS often ignores passport regulations and other aspects of U.S. immigration laws. Making matters worse, European continent immigration inspections tend to be perfunctory, especially for those with U.S. passports. Recent travel within Europe required no border inspections, which suggests that terrorists have free run of Europe.
Upon entering the United States, all foreign non-immigrant travelers, except diplomats, are required to fill out an I-94 Arrival/Departure Form. I-94W form is similar for travelers from visa-waiver countries. An I-94 form shows the dates of entry into the United States and scheduled departure.
Since the 1980s, I-94 forms are meant to control and ensure proper departure of non-immigrant foreign visitors. In theory, DHS should have a complete record of all foreign nationals’ entries and departures. If a foreign visitor does not leave the United States on the designated date, U.S. immigration law requires the visitor be located, detained, and deported, which rarely happens now.
More than forty percent of all undocumented aliens currently in the United States are visa/waiver overstays. DHS currently does very little about visa/waiver overstays.
President Obama has granted amnesty to millions of undocumented foreign nationals via executive actions of deferred prosecution for illegal entry and his Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals — DACA — and he threatens to do more. These grantees will have work permits and possibly passports without any meaningful security checks.
The U.S. and other Western countries have experienced Islamic terrorist attacks or attempted attacks by bomb and bullet. There is a pattern. Consider that the 9/11 bombings, the London Subway bombing, the Madrid train bombing, the Boston Marathon bombing, and the Fort Hood, Little Rock, and other such shootings — all were attacks by Islamists. These were not incidents of work-place violence, as Fort Hood was labeled by the Obama Administration.
In 2008 and 2011, Somali naturalized U.S. citizens became Al Shabaab —Youngsters — suicide bombers. In August 2014, two Somali U.S. residents were killed fighting for ISIS.
How did they obtain U.S. passports? Where they monitored? If not, why not?
The Obama administration preaches that government officers must be sensitive to Muslim traditions, culture, and religious practices. The FBI National Threat Assessment for Domestic Terrorism report dated Aug. 13, 2014, made no reference to Islamic terrorism or Islamic terrorists. Why?
James H. Walsh was associate general counsel with the U.S. Department of Justice Immigration and Naturalization Service from 1983 to 1994. Read more reports from James Walsh — Click Here Now.
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