California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, on Wednesday announced a $125 million relief aid to undocumented aliens residing in his state due to the impact of the coronavirus. State officials estimate about 150,000 "undocumented workers" would be recipients of this public and private largest.
For each individual applicant in the United States illegally and living in California that is selected, $500 would be granted to him/her and up to $1,000 granted for families. Of the $125 million, $75 million would be state money and $50 million would be donated by philanthropic sources.
America is the "Promised Land."
It is estimated between 2.2 million and 3 million illegal aliens reside in California as of January 2020 or about 15.8% of the state's population. This token of $500 or up to $1,000 per family payment to some 150,000 illegal aliens is allotted to only 16.6% of the state's illegal alien population.
This relief payment appears to be merely a political publicity move by the governor and ultra-left activists of California to normalize illegal behavior.
The open-borders activists see this action as the first step in a nationwide move to legitimize illegal aliens and bestow legal status to all illegal aliens.
There has never been an accurate census like-count of undocumented residents in the United States. Illegal alien counts have always been estimates or best guesses. Conservative estimates are that 25 million to 35 million illegal aliens reside in the United States. For decades, immigrant advocates and Democrat politicians have said that "the undocumented alien populaton was a mere 12 million people."
How could that number remain constant for decades? It couldn't and hasn't!
Meanwhile, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) released data showing that Black Americans were suffering disproportionately higher death rates than other Californians due to the coronavirus. Black Americans make up an estimated 6% of the California population, but represent about 12% coronavirus deaths.
The Latino population makes up about 39% of the California population and makes up 30% of the deaths. While the white population is listed as 37% of the California population, it is 39% of the California deaths.
The Washington Post on April 4, 2020 published an article titled, "Undocumented workers among those hit first — and worst — by the coronavirus shutdown."
The Post article tells how the coronavirus "has exposed the extreme vulnerabilities of millions of undocumented workers." The article states that illegal alien workers lack the work benefits of American workers, even if they pay taxes and have U.S. citizen children. The Post supports amnesty and citizenship for all illegal aliens.
The Post over the years has failed to report the cost of illegal immigration to the U.S.taxpayer for the federal and state criminal justice services, social services, medical services and education services.
Beginning in 2017, the Trump administration's immigration efforts of enlarged and continuous crackdown on illegal border crossings with combined new border barriers and increased denial of asylum claims has lowered legal and illegal border entry attempts.
The cooperation of Mexican President Andres Lopez Obrador has been an added factor in reduced border crossing attempts. President Obrador has been cooperating with Trump to reduce illegal border crossing into the United States.
The U.S. Border Patrol apprehensions on the Southwest border dropped approximately 40% in the first six months of fiscal 2020 to 191,000 compared to the same period in 2019 of about 360,000 apprehensions.
Federal authorities state that there is a small resurgence of illegal alien border crossing attempts in fiscal 2020. The main reason for the resurgence is the economic downturn in Chile and other South and Central American countries which served as a way-stations for migrants from Haiti and African and European countries.
Coronavirus or no coronavirus, America is the desired country for immigration. America is the "Promised Land."
Added to this desire, as word spreads that California is giving financial benefits to illegal aliens and that the coronavirus appears to be dwindling down, a summer illegal immigrant surge will likely occur.
James H. Walsh was associate general counsel with the U.S. Department of Justice Immigration and Naturalization Service from 1983 to 1994. Read more reports from James Walsh — Click Here Now.
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