Since the national election of November 8, 2016, the United States of America has been in national and political turmoil. The Republican ticket of Trump-Pence garnered 306 electoral votes and the Democrat ticket of Clinton-Kaine garnered 232 electoral votes. Clinton-Kaine had 48.2% of the popular vote and Trump/Pence 46.1% of the popular vote. Electoral votes elect!
Democrats and the majority of the news media demurred immediately. The resistance to the Trump-Pence election began within minutes after the television channels announced the election fact. On November 9, 2016, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich suggested that the anti-Trump coup had begun.
Today, 232 years since the founding fathers put into effect the framework of our republic, the nation faces a crisis created by hatred of President Trump. Hatred for Trump's changing of “old entrenched ways.”
This hatred encompasses any Trump correction of decades-old immigration legislative failures, including failures to stop illegal immigration by millions of foreign nationals.
The news media and radical open-border immigration advocates tout only 11 million undocumented persons in the United States. These open-border promoters have used that number for over 10 years. Meanwhile, at least 800,000 illegal aliens successfully cross into the United States a year. Actually, an estimated 25 million illegal aliens reside in the United States. No one has a precise number.
Congress passed the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) in 1986 to control immigration entry. No immigration legislation has since been passed.
IRCA’s main points were the border control lessening the number of illegal border crossers, limitation of illegal visa overstays, employer sanctions for those hiring illegal aliens, and control of legal immigration. None of these reforms nor controls worked.
For immigrant special interests, Congresses for decades made exception after exception, modification after modification, and amendment after amendment to gut both IRCA and the immigration law fountainhead, the 1952 Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). The result has been decades of illegal alien border-crossers and persons overstaying their visas, adding millions, as high as 25-30 million illegal aliens, now in the country, according to various migration evaluators.
Emboldened by the radical liberals, academia, self-aggrandizing billionaires and millionaires, and many others seeking destruction of America, illegal aliens are demanding all rights of citizenship. Each support group of open-borders has its own agenda, and not the well-being of America.
The problem is not immigration. In the history of the world, the USA is the only republic established and populated by immigrants committed to assimilation. Existing U.S. laws provide for orderly immigration. Since 2006, nearly a million foreign nationals each year entered the United States legally as legal permanent residents (LPRs), and thousands more as asylees or refugees.
Immigration is working — the system is damaged, but it is working. Immigration is not the problem; illegal entrants and visa overstays are the problem and those who support them.
At this hour, a new surge of foreign nationals are crossing U.S. borders illegally or overstaying their visas to disappear into the population. Visa overstays make up as much as 40 percent of foreign nationals residing illegally in the United States today.
Worse yet is the number of these illegal aliens that would come into the country with open borders — millions upon millions. Any legislation that grants amnesty and citizenship — in any form for open-border aliens — devalues U.S. citizenship and advances the balkanization of these once United States.
Such enabling measures would cause the demise of this country as we know it. This is the legerdemain of the 2019 Democrat Party thinking — amnesty to lawbreakers (including violent criminals, among them child predators and terrorists) in exchange for future votes.
The United States, as a republic, is a nation-state in which supreme power is held by citizens through a government of representatives chosen by a citizenry that pledges allegiance to the American flag. The Declaration of Independence called for a government deriving its just powers from the consent of the governed, and the United States thus gains legitimacy from its citizens and functions best when acting in their interests. Non-citizens are visitors to this great nation. Until now, those who would become citizens followed the established pathway of first becoming permanent legal residents.
As Benjamin Franklin so eloquently replied to a question whether America was to be a republic or monarchy, “A republic, if you can keep it.”
James H. Walsh was associate general counsel with the U.S. Department of Justice Immigration and Naturalization Service from 1983 to 1994. Read more reports from James Walsh — Click Here Now.
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