Recent alleged events involving the leadership of two of our country's most important institutions, the FBI and Department of Justice, have shaken the confidence that citizens once had in those governmental agencies. Our country is founded and based on the rule of law. This law applies to all, no matter your profession or stature.
With a combined workforce of almost 150,000 employees, a few accused bad apples are tarnishing the appearance of the entire bunch. The supposed “left-leaning” bias of leadership has gone unchallenged in the media, excluding Fox News and a few internet websites and bloggers.
I have a question to all the “good guys” that work for these agencies: “When will you stand against the corruption and wrongdoing?”
The history of the birth of the United States of America is filled with fact, legend, and combinations of the two, used to tell a patriotic tale of a common people rejecting tyranny in favor of self-rule and independent stewardship.
I mention the founding of this country for one specific reference. I am talking about the “3 percent.”
Some believe it is fact, some point to legend, but either way people familiar with the term understand to what it is referring. It is commonly believed that during the Revolutionary War, only a mere 3 percent of the population actually took up arms against King George III’s army.
If we could apply that number to the FBI and DOJ, there would be 4,500 “patriots” ready to defend the Constitution according to the oath that they all swore when joining their respective organizations:
“…I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”
President Donald J. Trump was lawfully elected by the citizens of the United States. Any attempt to remove him by corruption, false accusation, or outright lies is an attempt to subvert the U.S. Constitution. No matter the level of public official, these actions, if true, are trying to undo the will of the American people.
I am not seeking any type of wrongdoing by faithful employees of these agencies. That would make them just as bad as those they are seeking to stop. I don’t think bias in the other direction will help either. Our country just needs true impartiality and fairness.
I am merely requesting that employees of the Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of investigation do their jobs honestly and sincerely. If wrongdoing by leadership is known, it must be exposed and reported. Indifference to these illegalities, or outright ignoring them, makes you just as culpable as those giving your agencies a bad name. "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke, Irish statesman)
We watched as the IRS purposefully targeted conservative groups.
We watched as the VA neglected and disrespected sick and injured veterans.
We watched as the BLM seized private lands and bullied simple farmers and ranchers.
We watched as civilian officials blocked military assistance to those in harm’s way in Benghazi.
We watched as the DOJ took over local police organizations and stood them down in the face of violent protests.
We watched as the State Department destroyed evidence and engaged in questionable activities.
We watched as the ATF allowed illegal gun purchases and failed to track them.
We watched numerous hard drives, computers, and other evidence just disappeared or was conveniently lost in ongoing investigations.
All the while, good men and women in government closed a blind eye and failed to act in all of these, and other, instances.
As a veteran who understands the oath that I took and never recanted, I support you. There are many other veterans and civilians who also support you. Regardless of the party in power, our country wants our government to follow the law and stay politically indifferent. The wrong letter next to your name should not make someone more or less guilty or innocent.
Do not believe the complacent or complicit media in their attempt to explain away, cover up, or allay the supposed egregious activities. You know when something doesn’t sound or look right. Trust your moral compass and instincts. You know who is also uncomfortable with the supposed actions of leadership. Unite with them to ensure that you will not tolerate these people bringing disgrace to all of you and your co-workers.
Ignore the polls that say the public doesn’t care. We do. Those same polls told us Donald J. Trump would not be president.
The people of the United States call on you as a fellow citizen and federal employee loyal to the Constitution, to follow these imperatives:
- Honor your oath.
- Report wrongdoings, whether merely caused by bias, or outright attempts at subversion.
- Be truthful and do your job honestly.
- Be an example to fellow employees, especially those who look up to you.
To preserve the public trust in your institution, you must faithfully do your duty.
For those who work for the Justice Department, your organization’s motto is "Qui Pro Domina Justitia Sequitur" (Latin for "Who prosecutes on behalf of justice”). Remember that justice is blind, not partisan.
“Fidelity. Bravery. Integrity.” These words are not just the motto of the FBI, they are the ideals that employees of this legendary law enforcement agency must honor.
It only takes one courageous and patriotic act to inspire others.
It is time for all modern-day patriots to stand tall and do the right thing.
John Cylc is a conservative Christian and eight year U.S. Army veteran who primarily speaks out on the Second Amendment, gun rights issues, and contemporary topics. Born and raised in Philadelphia, he currently resides with his wife and youngest son in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains in beautiful East Tennessee. He is the founder of and a contributor to LifeZette. To read more of his reports — Click Here Now.
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