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Facts, Not Opinion, About the State of Guns in America

Facts, Not Opinion, About the State of Guns in America

John Cylc By Friday, 16 February 2018 11:53 AM EST Current | Bio | Archive

After every mass shooting event, before the blood even dries, the debates and arguments begin.

This article is nothing but a series of grouped facts which tell their own story.


A firearm is a nonliving piece of metal.

It takes the action of a living being to fire a firearm, purposefully or accidentally.

Criminals do not follow laws.

Newly created and potential future laws will be ignored by criminals.

People who are not criminals do follow laws.

There are state and federal laws making illicit drugs illegal.

60,000-65,000 people died from drug overdoses in 2016.

There are state and federal laws making drunk driving illegal.

From 2006-2016, over 10,000 people died every year from drunk driving crashes.

Murder is illegal. Mass shootings are murder.


Gun free zones disarm only those who choose to follow laws.

Almost every school shooting in the past 20 years has occurred in a “gun free zone.”

Individuals intent on harming or killing others will use any weapon or object to do so.

Evil people do not care about laws or human life.


The Second Amendment was adopted on December 15, 1791. It is part of the Bill of Rights.

The Bill of Rights identifies pre-existing rights of all humans.

The Bill of Rights restricts the government from interfering with these rights.

The Bill of Rights does not grant any rights.

The Second Amendment protects the right to own firearms.

Repealing the Second Amendment would not remove the right to keep and bear arms.

Repealing the Second Amendment would only allow the government to violate the right to keep and bear arms.


The first known “machine-gun” was patented in 1718.

The Puckle gun existed at the time of the writing of the Second Amendment.

The Second Amendment refers to “arms,” not limiting itself to covering any specific weapons or leaps of technology.

The First Amendment applies to all modern technologies including television, internet, and high-speed printing presses.

The Fourth Amendment covers modern technologies including cell phones and personal computers.

The Bill of Rights was not restricted to only technology that existed at the time of its writing.


The national average for police response time is 11 minutes.

Every school has some teachers, school staff and administration officials present while in session.

School staffs are responsible for the safety of their students.

Almost all teachers and school staff in the United States are unarmed.

An unarmed individual stands little chance against an armed individual.

Many teachers have died while trying to protect students from active shooters.


Semi-automatic weapons fire one round for every time the trigger is depressed.

Automatic weapons continuously fire while the trigger is depressed.

The functionality of an AR-15 and any standard semi-auto hunting rifle is the same.

AR-15’s are rifles with accessories to make them easier to operate. Most are black. Neither the accessories nor color make the rifle any deadlier.

The “AR” in AR-15 stands for “ARmalite,” the company that invented that style of rifle.

“AR” does not stand for “assault rifle.”

An “assault rifle” is a selective-fire weapon that can fire in both semi-automatic or automatic modes.

Most news reporters describe AR-15’s as “assault rifles.”

The caliber of an AR-15 is either .223 of an inch, or 5.56mm.

Bullets from an AR-15 are not the largest bullets.

A standard 9mm round is approximately 60 percent larger than a AR-15 round.

A standard hunting round (.308 or 30.06) is more than 30 percent larger than an AR-15 round.

Less than 400 people are killed per year by any kind of rifle, including the AR-15.

The National Firearms Act (NFA) of 1934 regulates fully automatic weapons, suppressors, shotguns, and other destructive devices such as bombs or grenades. A special license from the BATFE (Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives) is required to manufacture or own any of these items.


Background checks are required for all online firearm dealer purchases.

Background checks are required for all gun show dealer purchases.

Individuals selling private property to another individual who is a non-felon is legal.

Criminals stealing firearms do not go through background checks.

Criminals selling firearms to other criminals will not conduct background checks.


There are 270-310 million firearms in the United States.

Approximately 40 percent of all U.S. households have a firearm.

Giving a liberal estimate of 13,000 firearm homicides per year, that is a 0.00004025 chance of being killed by a firearm. (1 in approximately 25,000 Americans).

40,200 people died in car accidents in 2016. (1 in approximately 8,000 Americans).


The National Rifle Association is composed of 5 million+ Americans.

The NRA represents its membership.

The NRA does not receive government funding.

The NRA teaches gun safety for free in schools that will allow it.


There are thousands of firearm laws and regulations at both state and federal level.

Before 1968, you could buy an AR-15 through the mail.

There was no background check system before 1993.

School shootings were a rare event until the 1990’s.


These facts should have told you a story. You can ignore them and argue merely based on emotion, but that does nothing to change the facts, especially these last two:

Inanimate objects do not kill people intentionally.

People kill.

John Cylc is a conservative Christian and eight year U.S. Army veteran who primarily speaks out on the Second Amendment, gun rights issues, and contemporary topics. Born and raised in Philadelphia, he currently resides with his wife and youngest son in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains in beautiful East Tennessee. He is the founder of and a contributor to LifeZette. To read more of his reports — Click Here Now.

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After every mass shooting event, before the blood even dries, the debates and arguments begin.
guns, firearms, second amendment, parkland, school shooting
Friday, 16 February 2018 11:53 AM
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