When the clock struck midnight on Jan. 1, 2021 many Americans hoped the worst was behind us. But in one month, it feels as if the times have grown darker.
The same president who promised unity and healing has brandished his pen like a sword to dismantle protections for the unborn, to devastate American energy independence and thousands of jobs with it, and to declare America as systematically racist by embracing the 1619 project while canceling the 1776 Commission.
If that isn't enough, nearly all of America’s cultural institutions are dominated by the Left. Many Americans are fast losing hope and are ready to throw in the towel.
Yet I remind these Americans, that the darkest of hours lead to the brightest of dawns.
The consequences of the 2020 election cycle are already creating an undercurrent of resistance, as Americans become awakened to the threats facing the God-given rights written in the Declaration of Independence.
This awakening unveils the silver lining of a wholesale change in perspective taking place throughout America. As denoted by this (blog section's) title, growing evidence is leading to "The Red Pill" Awakening.
While entrenched in battles with state officials over COVID regulations last May, Elon Musk tweeted "Take the red pill." Subsequently Musk began making plans to move to Texas, a state with far less taxation and regulation and governed by Republican leadership.
Musk is part of a larger exodus of companies and people awakening to a new reality and moving in droves away from Democrat-governed states like New York and California for redder pastures.
The tweet by Musk and the title of this blog, "The Red Pill," is borrowed from the sci-fi movie "The Matrix." Neo, the movie’s protagonist is awakened to a new reality when he meets rebels inside of a simulated reality called the matrix.
The rebels are seeking to save humans from their alien captors who are harvesting their bodies for energy. The aliens use special technology to keep the humans in a state of comatose while they dream of a simulated reality.
The only exit out of this reality is for rebels to break into the matrix and to give humans the option of leaving the simulation. However, the rebels give each human the choice of remaining in the simulation by taking a blue pill or to awaken from their simulation by taking a red pill.
We are living in an age when the prevailing forces of culture have embraced the shift to leftism. Many of the significant forces that have appropriated the term liberal in the 21st century are not, in fact, liberal, as defined by history.
These powerful forces include Big Tech, corporate America, education, government, Hollywood, sports, and the media.
For the entirety of their lives, younger Americans have only known this reality.
From the moment they wake up until the moment they go to sleep, their social media feeds, their Google searches, their textbooks, their heroes, and their newsfeeds represent this left-of-center hegemony.
From the Left’s perspective, there is a war between good and evil, wherein their followers are conditioned to think that conservatism represents everything they hate — bigotry, ethnocentrism, patriotism, racism, sexism, xenophobia. According to leftist orthodoxy, America is inherently evil and must be fundamentally transformed.
The Left then reimagines a matrix-like utopian simulation free of these evil conservative ideals. To accomplish this herculean task, it must dominate every sphere of society and possess Orwellian-like control of our speech and thoughts.
The famed American sociologist Charles Cooley declared, "I am not who you think I am; I am not who I think I am; I am who I think you think I am."
The forces of culture have tremendous power over our lives. Cancel Culture is the powerful manifestation of the Left’s agenda to shape culture.
According to the Cleveland Clinic, we have an estimated 50,000 spontaneous thoughts per day. The more those thoughts can be coerced, controlled, guided, and shaped, the more power these institutions have in deciding outcomes.
Yet, these utopian ideas have been tried in places like the Soviet Union, Venezuela, and China. What begins as a revolution of utopian ideals ends in totalitarian power destroying countless lives.
Perhaps, more now than ever, Americans are ready and willing to consider an alternative narrative than the prevailing narrative foisted on us by the dominant cultural institutions.
When politicians create rules which they themselves do not obey, when small restaurant owners are shut-down while Hollywood gets permits to hold events, when Big Tech CEO’s enrich themselves while closing down free speech, when athletes condemn America as racist while turning a blind-eye to modern-day concentration camps in China, perhaps these and countless other examples will cause more Americans, like Elon Musk, to take "The Red Pill."
Jonathan Jakubowski is the Author of a newly-released book that has gained national attention, Bellwether Blues, A Conservative Awakening of the Millennial Soul. Jonathan played football and received his undergraduate degree from Bowling Green State University and Masters Degree in Public Policy from Georgetown University. Jonathan is the Founder of Champions in Action® and is the Chairman of the Forge Leadership Network Board of Directors. More information about Jonathan may be found here. Read Jonathan Jakubowski's Reports — More Here.
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