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Democrats Left Scrambling After Trump's Speech Triumphs

Democrats Left Scrambling After Trump's Speech Triumphs

Back on Jan. 20, 2017 a protester was carried away from the state Capitol building in Nashville, Tenn. Many such protesters oppose the policies of President Donald Trump, on a variety of issues, including immigration.  (Mark Humphrey/AP)

Kevin Broderick By Thursday, 02 March 2017 09:48 AM EST Current | Bio | Archive

Last night in President Trump’s address to Congress, he made the best speech of his short political life. He stuck to a strong, populist message that resonates with a broad spectrum of the public.

He laid down the gauntlet on how America needs to be concerned with our own success, rather than toiling in foreign affairs or providing entitlements to those who have come here illegally.

The setting for last night’s address to Congress could not have happened in a more partisan setting. After a highly contentious and divisive election, the country was split on this president.

With his approvals in the low 40 percent range, he needed to project power and control in this speech.

He did just that.

Given the partisan nature of the country, it became apparent that half the room was not going to applaud, while the other half would be providing standing ovations. As a viewer, it is annoying to watch all of the standing, extending the speech length in an unnecessary way.

Trump laid out a populist economic plan.

He was tough on illegals who have committed crimes, and he wants to build the wall.

He is advocating for massive spending on  infrastructure.

When you place all of those items in one basket, you get some odd bedfellows on the domestic policy spectrum. Republicans are wary of a national debt quickly approaching $20 trillion and have doubts that a massive infrastructure spend could be paid for without adding to the deficit.

Democrats like the idea of "in-sourcing" jobs from overseas, but have serious consternation about providing tax cuts to businesses and individuals.

They also are dead-set against building a wall or cracking down on the illegals who are here.

Trump was able to stick to the script.

He delivered the most organized, policy-driven speech of his career. He did not go off script, and he punched hard when he needed to (ISIS/ISIL you have been warned).

As the speech went on, the Democrats who refused to applaud or stand for Trump, ended up looking like petulant children who had their cartoons turned off. They looked bitter and partisan, and they made Trump look like the dignified statesman.

Trump effectively flipped the script of the criticism of the first five weeks of his presidency when he was as war with the press and the Democratic Party.

Trump’s greatest moment may have been honoring Carryn Owens for her husband’s sacrifice. Ryan Owens died in a fire fight in a raid in Yemen in late January.

The Democratic response was done by former Kentucky Governor, Steve Bashear.

It looked odd and weak to have someone provide the response that was not in public office, and it does nothing to help the Democrats with leadership age issues.

It’s been two years since he's been in government — plus he is 72 years old.

He is hardly someone who can look to the future or convey a new approach. According to a CNN/ORC poll, 70 percent of Americans feel better about the country’s direction after viewing the speech.

This is a decisive Trump victory; it is leaving the Democrats scrambling in the aftermath. Now, Trump has to deliver on those policies while he has the House and Senate. A task easier said than done.

Kevin Broderick serves as a consultant for a Fortune 500 Insurer in the Employee Benefits marketplace for large employers. He received a finance degree from Providence College. For more of his reports, Go Here Now.

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A recent poll says 70 percent of Americans feel better about the country’s direction after viewing President Trump's speech. This is victory; it left the Democrats scrambling. Now, Trump has to deliver on those policies while he has the House and Senate. A task easier said than done.
congress, partisan, populist
Thursday, 02 March 2017 09:48 AM
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