Democrats should seriously heed a recent leaked memo sent by Bernie Sanders' close political adviser and 2020 campaign manager Faiz Shakir indicating that the self-described democratic socialist Vermont senator is open to a third White house bid if President Joe Biden opts out of seeking a second term.
As revealed in The Washington Post, the campaign notice to "allies" states: "In the event of an open 2024 Democratic presidential primary, Sen. Sanders has not ruled out another run for president, so we advise that you [to] answer any questions about 2024 with that in mind."
According to Sanders spokesman Mike Casca, the report is authentic. He told the Post: "While it's frustrating this private memo leaked to the media, the central fact remains true, which is that Senator Sanders is the most popular office​ ​holder in the country," adding that their contention is based on polls.
Under a banner called "close hold guidance," Shakir also offered advice for the campaigns on how to answer questions about why their candidate is accepting a 2024 presidential primary endorsement ​from a self-avowed democratic socialist​.
​"In fact, Bernie wants to build power for the working class and take on the corporate socialism that our political system currently favors​," Shakir added.
Suggesting that Bernie backers respond and "embrace the attacks," Shakir wrote: "Sen. Sanders is putting forward an extremely popular vision for the Democratic Party that will win back critical support that we have lost​."
In short, Bernie isn't the least bit happy with Joe's lack of progress in winning the hearts and minds of his progressive followers with whom he continues to hold lots of sway ... and yes, the polls show it.
Joe's far-left progressive handlers have convinced him that his destined legacy is to be the second coming of Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Inflation, reaching 8.5 percent in March, the worst level in 40 years, is a product of trillions in excessive Democratic Party-line social spending excesses.
Much of this is directly attributable to gasoline prices which are the highest in U.S. history, breaking a 2008 record. Recall that having inherited an America that was not only energy independent, but also a net exporter, Biden made good on his 2019 campaign pledge that "I guarantee you we're going to end fossil fuels."
According to a recent Quinnipiac University National Poll, 41% of Americans — including 82% of Republicans and 39% of independents — attribute record high rising gas prices mostly to Biden administration economic policies.
Similar to a recent FiveThirtyEight average of recent polls which puts Biden's approval rating at under 42 percent, RealClearPolitics puts his average performance approval at just 41%.
An April CNBC survey found Biden's approval numbers in the high '30s, and an earlier January Quinnipiac University poll had already recorded an even lower 33% positive.
According to an April Reuters/Ipsos poll, 61% believe the country is moving on the wrong track with just 25% who say it is headed in the right direction. An Economist/YouGov survey taken around the same time showed a similar split: 60% wrong track, 28% right direction.
But wait just a minute!
Weren't these exactly the same policies that Bernie endorsed as a condition for dropping out of the 2020 presidential primary race to clear Joe's path and avoid splitting his party vote?
Sanders, who caucuses with Democrats in the Senate, ran for the Democratic presidential nomination against Hillary Clinton in 2016, and Biden in 2020, falling short on both occasions.
Although considered the front-runner in 2020 after a narrow loss in the Iowa caucuses and convincing wins in the New Hampshire primary and the Nevada caucuses, his campaign fell apart after losing to Biden in the South Carolina primary.
Faiz Shakir's memo to followers had reportedly emphasized: "Sen. Sanders is focused on helping Joe Biden have a successful presidency. As Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, no one fought harder for the president's policy agenda than Bernie. He traveled to Republican Congressional Districts last summer to promote Build Back Better​."
Shakir then added, "Unfortunately, that legislation was stopped by corporate Democrats."​
As I previously wrote in this column, following Joe's ascendency from his campaign basement bunker to the Oval Office there was little secret that neither of the most preferred candidates of the far left — Sen. Bernie Sanders and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass. — made it through the Democratic primary. Biden won out as a more electable and malleable choice.
Even Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., a co-chair of the Sanders side of the Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force, described Biden as "movable," publicly bragging about her ability to "significantly push Joe Biden to do things that he hadn't signed onto before."
Now, with Biden's approval numbers back in the basement where his handlers originally launched that successful campaign, the Bernie bunch likely see a third presidential opportunity.
A March Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll found a presumptive candidate Donald Trump would beat Biden by 6 percentage points in a rematch of the 2020 election. The poll also found Trump would trounce Vice President Kamala Harris by an even wider margin of 11 percentage points.
There's also a good likelihood that Joe won't even get in Bernie's way. Back in 2020, Biden's increasingly frail and confused state was already so broadly recognized that 59% of Americans surveyed by Rasmussen doubted he would finish a first term.
The 2020 election has since prompted many U.S. House and Senate Democrats to realize that the destinations they have in mind aren't winning travel attractions for their moderate voting constituents.
Meanwhile, as Republicans are united as never before behind a plethora of enormously successful domestic and international Trump foreign policy achievements, Democrats are splintered by rogue radicals who are hell-bent to collect on their election campaign bargain.
In any case, the Democrats' biggest obstacles in establishing political calm and comity won't likely come from Republicans, but rather from even farther left liberals who will now demand payment of their devil's due.
Larry Bell is an endowed professor of space architecture at the University of Houston where he founded Sasakawa International Center for Space Architecture and the graduate space architecture program. His latest of 11 books, "Beyond Flagpoles and Footprints: Pioneering the Space Frontier" co-authored with Buzz Aldrin (2021), is available on Amazon along with all others. Read Larry Bell's Reports — More Here.
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