Galileo has lots of modern-day companions. Woe be unto those who dare to doubt that the sun orbits around Planet Gore as pontiffs of doom have decreed.
That’s exactly the 17th century time warp scenario that played out last week on the Senate floor as Chief Inquisitor Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., and 18 fellow jurists intoned judgments against dozens of organizations for sins of “denial blocking action on climate.” Most of those sinful deniers are nonprofit conservative think tanks, including several that I am sinfully very proud to associate with.
And nope, like most of those other sinful deniers, I don’t get paid to think in any tank.
The purpose of this floor show was to vilify and intimidate a hit list for the Democratic drafting committee’s unanimously adopted platform calling for the Department of Justice to investigate those who disagree with their jihad against climate alarm-driven energy regulatory policies.
That position follows legal actions against ExxonMobil by attorneys general from California, Massachusetts, New York, and the Virgin Islands which demand that the company turn over decades of correspondence with a lengthy fishing trip listing of other suspected climate crisis skeptics.
The drafting committee ordained that all fossil fuel use must be banished by 2050. Its high priests include noted alarmist climate activist and co-founder Bill McKibben and Carol Browner, who directed President Barack Obama’s White House Office of Energy and Climate Change Policy.
Their summary report states: “Moving beyond the ‘all of the above’ energy approach in the 2012 platform, the 2016 platform draft re-frames the urgency of climate change as a central challenge of our time, already impacting American communities and calling for generating 50 percent clean electricity within the next ten years.”
They are already making great strides. Just as the President Obama promised, in the interest of ending billions of years of climate change the coal industry, which has provided 18 percent of America’s primary fuel, is now bankrupt.
That’s only the beginning. While previously touting natural gas as a lower emission bridge fuel to renewables, Sierra Club’s “Beyond Dirty Fuels” campaign leader Lena Moffitt told S&P Global Market Intelligence: “We are doing everything we can to bring the same expertise that we brought to taking down the coal industry and coal-fired power in this country to taking on gas in the same way.”
The idea, of course, is to save America — the world — from dreaded climate change by switching away from “dirty” plant-fertilizing CO2 emissions to clean, renewable “alternatives."
In other words, by regulating companies that provide more than 80 percent of our primary energy out of business and raising subsidies sky-high for windmills and sunbeams that provide 4 percent, we will be able to reduce global temperatures by an estimated 0.03 degrees Celsius before the next century.
How do they know? Well, because that’s what “settled science” based upon infallible computer models and divine authority "consensus" tells us to believe.
Yes, even Armageddon doubters realize that climate really does change, and that global mean temperatures have been warming in fits and starts since the little ice age ended about 150 years ago. Nevertheless, despite ballyhooed “record high” atmospheric CO2 concentrations, other than entirely natural 1998 and 2015 ocean El Nino spikes, satellite and weather balloon measurements show no statistically-significant global warming for nearly two decades.
We’re also not supposed to pay any heed to U.S. surface records obtained from the most reliable thermometer stations — those not corrupted by local “heat island” influences such as instrument relocations, urban developments or other man-made changes — which show no appreciable warming over the past 80 years.
In addition, ignore the fact that there have been more all-time U.S. cold records than heat records since the 1940s. And don’t believe your lyin’ eyes that tell you regarding that “extreme weather” we’ve been warned about that no category 3-5 hurricanes have struck the U.S. coast since October 2005, setting a century-long record lull since 1900.
In fact, NOAA and even the U.N.’s alarmist IPCC have admitted that there have been no increases in the severity or frequency of droughts, floods, thunderstorms, or tornadoes in decades.
Nobel Physics laureate Ivar Giaever has called global warming (aka, climate change) alarmism a “new religion” . . . a temple built on grounds of faith rather than upon scientific foundations. In this church, all unfortunate events that occur are attributed to human causation. Eco-elitist doom prophets and profiteers perpetrate dogma and intimidation to extract offerings of penance in exchange for promised salvation from fossil-fueled hellfire.
Future historians will reflect upon this unscientific aberration of our age as highly reminiscent of a time nearly four centuries ago when Galileo hopelessly protested when forced to recant his direct observations,“and yet it moves.” Just as the sun doesn’t orbit around the earth, perpetual world climate changes don’t cycle around earthlings either.
Larry Bell is an endowed professor of space architecture at the University of Houston where he founded the Sasakawa International Center for Space Architecture (SICSA) and the graduate program in space architecture. He is the author of “Scared Witless: Prophets and Profits of Climate Doom”(2015) and “Climate of Corruption: Politics and Power Behind the Global Warming Hoax” (2012). Read more of his reports — Click Here Now.
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