(Editor's Note: The following opinion column does not constitute an endorsement of any political party or candidate on the part of Newsmax.)
It is no hyperbole to point out that present Democratic Party leadership has every intent to pass federal legislation that will ensure their single-party control of all future election results.
Consider four big reasons why.
Prospective Resurrection of 'Corrupt Politicians Act'
Fully expect a Democratic House and Senate majority to push through a previously tabled “Corrupt Politicians Act” proposal (former H-1/S-1) which is simply a backdoor way to federalize elections so that the Left can maintain power by interfering with states’ ability to validate legal voter qualifications and secure process integrity.
S-1 had missed advancing from the rules committee in a 2022 party line member vote lacking a simple majority necessary to qualify for a full Senate action which would predictably have led to passage with V.P Harris acting as tiebreaker.
Whereas Sens. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., and Joe Manchin, D-W.V., then indicated they would break with the Democratic voting majority, Manchin is not running for office again, making the new Senate election balance even more critical this time around.
Passage of H-1/S-1 would sabotage state ID laws which require voters arriving at polls to provide evidence they are who they claim to be and prevent voting by ineligible individuals such as noncitizens, illegal aliens and dead people. Instead, the proposed legislation allows people to simply “sign a statement” confirming identification.
Even worse, H-1/S-1 will require states to automatically add every person — regardless of voter eligibility — who partakes in certain government programs, such as receiving welfare or obtaining a driver’s license, to voter registration rolls, while restricting the abilities of states to verify eligible voters and remove those who are not.
If perchance you think this is far-fetched alarmism, consider that the Biden-Harris administration’s DOJ is currently suing the Commonwealth of Virginia for removing self-declared noncitizens from voting rolls, while U.S. District Judge Patricia Giles, a President Biden appointee, has ordered reinstatement of more than 1,500 of these ineligible people.
Promising to legally challenge the decision, Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin responded by calling the DOJ’s move an "unprecedented lawsuit" that targets the state "for appropriately enforcing a Virginia law, signed by then-Democratic Gov. Tim Kaine in 2006.
Democrat Blocking of SAVE Act Requiring Voter IDs:
Some Republican senators reconsidered their stance on separating the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act (SAVE Act) from an emergency short-term funding bill. This funding bill passed overwhelmingly in the House with a vote of 341 to 82. The SAVE Act would require documentary proof of citizenship as a requirement for federal election voter registration.
Now on hold, SAVE Act passage amends the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA) which explicitly prohibits noncitizens from voting in federal elections but doesn’t mandate evidence of citizenship.
Calif. Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed legislation that takes this free pass for election fraud to a whole new level by banning local governments from requesting voter identification at the ballot box.
According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, California is one of 14 states that does not require proof of voter identity. Another state in this group is Minnesota, which is led by Vice Presidential candidate Gov. Tim Walz. He has declined to sign a Republican-controlled Senate bill that would require voters to show a photo ID.
Meanwhile, Republican Gov. Greg Abbott has announced that his state has removed over 1 million people from Texas voter rolls, including individuals who moved out-of-state, are deceased, or are noncitizens.
Counting Noncitizens in Census to Inflate House Seats
It’s no coincidence that in 2021, soon after taking office and reversing all Trump policies opening the southern border to many millions of grateful illegal Democratic voters, President Joe Biden signed an executive order reversing another one by the former president requiring the Census Bureau to determine the population of each state without regard to respondents’ lawful immigration status.
Nor should there be any reason for surprise that Senate Democrats voted unanimously this year to defeat an amendment by Sen. Bill Hagerty, R-Tenn., to bar illegal immigrants from being counted along with lawful citizens in determining how many U.S. House seats states are apportioned to represent them.
Electoral votes are also allocated among the states based on the census, with each allocated according to the number of senators and representatives in its U.S. congressional delegation.
Killing of Super Majority Senate Filibuster Rule
Vice President and presidential candidate Kamala Harris has called for eliminating the Senate filibuster to reverse a Roe v. Wade Supreme Court abortion decision which presents an enormously dangerous precedent granting nearly unlimited legislative powers to a simple Senate majority.
The current 60-vote super majority threshold filibuster requirement for passage of major legislation is all that stands between their party’s full control and America’s democratic republic as we know it.
Included are immediate opportunities to award statehood status to the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico to pack the Senate with two additionally reliable Democratic Senate members, pack the U.S. Supreme Court with as many new liberal justices as they choose, and cede all state voting procedures to their new expanded and centralized federal government authority.
Bear in mind that a November election sweep of the House and Senate in combination with retention of the Oval Office will virtually destroy America’s two-party system, enabling Democrats to pass virtually any legislation they wish for many generations forward.
So yes, vote as if both the 2024 congressional and White House elections are the most consequential of our nation’s history.
Because they are.
Larry Bell is an endowed professor of space architecture at the University of Houston where he founded the Sasakawa International Center for Space Architecture and the graduate space architecture program. His latest of 12 books is "Architectures Beyond Boxes and Boundaries: My Life By Design" (2022). Read Larry Bell's Reports — More Here.
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