"Follow the science" and "follow the money" narratives converge regarding two of the most consequentially impactful agenda-driven science disasters of our time: global climate crisis-premised attacks on hydrocarbon energy, and coordinated obfuscations of origins and accountabilities for the devastating COVID-19 pandemic.
Neither of these agenda-driven contentions can continue to be simply dismissed as scientifically denialist or partisan conspiracy theories.
The connection between climate alarm, energy policy and socialist economic transformation agendas is candidly articulated by prominent global and national proponents.
Bipartisan congressional investigations into global scientific community COVID coverups have finally become legitimate mainstream news.
The Global Climate Threat of Socialism
Speaking at a 1996 conference in Moscow, former Soviet Union President Mikhail Gorbachev emphasized the importance of using climate alarmism to advance socialist Marxist objectives: ''The threat of environmental crisis will be the international disaster key to unlock the New World Order.''
Gorbachev certainly wasn't alone in recognizing that world governance priority and opportunity.
Ottmar Edenhofer, an official with the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, advised in November 2010 that: ''… one has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. Instead, climate change policy is about how we redistribute de facto the world's wealth ...''
But what about science? Wasn't IPCC created to guide humankind to figure out how to stave off an eminent global warming crisis?
Socialist Rep. Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal architect, former chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabarti, revealed the same admission in a May 2019 meeting with Democratic Washington Gov. Jay Inslee's climate director Sam Ricketts.
He said, "The interesting thing about the Green New Deal is it wasn't originally a climate thing at all." Chakrabarti then asked, "Do you guys think of it as a climate thing? Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing."
Nevertheless, regardless whichever "thing" it was, on his first day in office, President Biden and his handlers capped off the Keystone XL pipeline at the Canadian border along with about 11,000 jobs and 830,000 barrels of oil per day it would have delivered. That same day, he placed moratoriums on oil and gas drilling on federal lands and waters.
Then, just earlier this week, Biden terminated drilling permits in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Sure changed the whole economy thing.
Cancel Culture Captures the COVID Origin
Remember when a deadly viral COVID-19 Wuhan lab leak was just a wild conspiratorial theory… most likely one concocted by President Trump?
At least that's what happened after Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., pointed out on Jan.30, 2020 that "The coronavirus could result in a global pandemic," and that "I would note that Wuhan has China's only biosafety level-four super laboratory that works with the world's most deadly pathogens to include, yes, coronavirus."
Mainstream media, Big Tech and politically connected leaders of the medical research clerisy immediately went on the defensive after Sen. Cotton called for China to "open up now to competent international scientists."
"Tom Cotton keeps repeating a coronavirus conspiracy theory that was already debunked" tooted The Washington Post; "Senator Tom Cotton Repeats Fringe Theory of Coronavirus Origins," blared The New York Times.
Facebook and Twitter immediately banned claims that the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) "gain of function research" to produce virulently infectious human coronavirus strains might have possible validity.
These, of course, are among the same organizations that refused to cover the discovery of very naughty and potentially illegal material found on Hunter's laptop from hell just prior to the 2020 elections … including lucrative Biden family influence peddling and dirty money laundering with Chinese and other foreign corporations and oligarchs.
By February 2020, Facebook changed its content moderation to include "false" and "debunked" assertions such as that "COVID-19 is man-made or manufactured."
On February 19, 2020, the prestigious medical journal Lancet published a statement by scientists condemning "conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin."
The Lancet statement was organized by Peter Daszak, whose EcoHealth Alliance nonprofit which is funded by none other than Dr. Anthony Fauci's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). NIAID dispenses up to $32 billion a year in taxpayer money for biological and medical research which reportedly has included WIV bat coronavirus gain of function experiments.
Recent emails obtained by BuzzFeed News through a Freedom of Information Act request tend to corroborate that Fauci was well aware of NIAID's funding of these activities.
Remarkably, Mr. Daszak, arguably one of the most interest-conflicted characters in this medical tragedy, is the very person selected to represent America on the esteemed World Health Organization's investigatory team that was dispatched to Wuhan earlier this year.
As recently as May 2020, Dr. Fauci dismissed the lab theory leak in a National Geographic interview. However, as The Wall Street Journal has pointed out, Fauci's NIAID funding of the WIV coronavirus research activity that potentially caused the pandemic through Daszak's organization is still "problematic."
Beware of Experts Selling "Settled Science"
We know now that the World Health Organization has persistently run interference with scientific investigations into the WIV "China virus" origins. As a January State Department disclosure confirmed, "The U.S. government has reason to believe that several researchers inside the WIV became sick in autumn 2019, before the first identified case of the outbreak, with symptoms consistent with both COVID-19 and common seasonal illnesses."
The report also noted that the WIV maintains links with the Chinese military, and it has not been transparent about its work on viruses similar to COVID-19.
And wasn't IPCC supposed to ne the world's penultimate authority on all-things-climate?
Never mind that their models have proved to run hotter than those featured in annual Sports Illustrated swimming suit editions.
(Honest, Nancy … I barely noticed.)
And remember Climate Gate, which turned up all those many emails from top IPCC scientists bragging about how they cooked the global temperature books and "pal reviewed" each other's research to block those with contrary conclusions from getting published in leading journals they controlled?
(The mainstream media also barely noticed this hot issue.)
Maybe it's time for all of us to begin paying a lot closer attention.
Larry Bell is an endowed professor of space architecture at the University of Houston where he founded Sasakawa International Center for Space Architecture and the graduate space architecture program. His latest of 10 books, "What Makes Humans Truly Exceptional," (2021) is available on Amazon along with all others. Read Larry Bell's Reports — More Here.
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