Two close friends from Russia and Romania — now U.S. citizens who emigrated with their families to escape Socialism — urgently warn that America is naively complacent in embracing horrific evils they and loved ones had experienced.
What evidence?
For example: institutionalized federal election rigging without voter identification requirements currently proposed by H.R.1 congressional legislation; promulgation of deep state spying on political opponents; cancel culture blocking of free speech on the Internet by a sitting president; banishing sales of century-old Dr. Seuss and Peter Pan children's books; historically revisionist and culturally-divisive 1619 Project "systemic racism" and "white fragility" propaganda introduction in public K-12 schools; and sanctioning ideologically-approved massive mob violence and looting while assaulting constitutional Second Amendment rights to self-defense.
Let's remember that other socially advanced and prosperous countries tragically ignored socialist consequences as well.
Czechoslovakia was once one of the world's most modern industrial nations, Cuba had the second highest per capita income of any nation in Central and South America, and now-impoverished oil-rich Venezuela was the world's fourth wealthiest per capita nation.
So why should any freedom-loving civilization — much less America — give any consideration to opting for a system of government that inevitably oppresses and impoverishes its citizens?
Do they understand what the term "socialist" really means?
If asked, very few Americans would likely say they were pro-communism, while a sizeable number now support socialism.
If then asked about the difference, some might be quick to answer, "Communism is a tyrannical brand of socialism that was originally intended by Karl Marx as a good idea. It was just never properly practiced, and bad people loused it up."
Socialism is usually defined as government ownership and/or control over the basic means of production and distribution of goods and services. And if government can control these things, it can eventually control everything, including you and me.
According to Marx's "Communist Manifesto," the proletarian revolution would establish the socialist dictatorship of the proletariat accomplished by three things: 1) the elimination of all right to private property; 2) the dissolution of the family unit; and 3) destruction of religion, which Marx referred to as the "opiate of the people."
There is a vast difference between utopian share-the-wealth "fairness" and the confidence game socialist promoters use to get people to surrender their freedom to an all-powerful collectivist government. Rather than building paradise on Earth, it is a con to persuade followers to construct prisons for themselves.
Socialism is the bait — the excuse — to establish dictatorships inevitably headed by tiny cliques of elite oligarchs. The drive to establish socialism is at the core of everything communists do … an international drive to use any means to bring about their decided aim — global conquest.
It is difficult for freedom-blessed Americans to fathom such perverted lust for power and control. Most of our ambitions focus upon being able to afford a reasonably high living and safety standard for our family, provide for a sound education for our children, and allow time for leisure and travel.
Since we have no such power lust, it is difficult to contemplate that there are others who would wish to dominate us. Yet conspiracies to seize power are as old as governments themselves, long before Alcibidias in ancient Greece, or Julius Caesar in Rome.
Communism — socialism — no matter what we choose to call it — amounts to pretty much the same thing from the standpoints of those who must live and suffer under it.
Our founding fathers who revolted against the near-total government of the English monarchy understood this well. And realizing that having no government at all would lead to chaos, they instead established a constitutional republic with limited centralized power.
Thomas Jefferson's view prevailed that "government governs best which governs least."
America's founders also had no intention of allowing government to become an instrument to steal one man's labor and give it to another who had not earned it. And although our free enterprise system isn't specifically mentioned in the Constitution, it could only exist under a constitutional republic.
Alarmingly, all constitutional rights and legacies so wisely gifted to us by those remarkably prescient founders are now under an ultimately determinative lose or win socialist assault from within.
On March 3, the U.S. Democrat-socialist-led House passed H.R. 1, the "For the People Act." This so-called "election reform" package, if passed by the Senate, would transfer authority over how elections are administered from states to the federal government and institutionalize many rules that will virtually guarantee voter fraud.
H.R.1 virtually eliminates valid voter identification requirements, prevents removal of illegitimate registrants from voter rolls, extends voting rights to felons, and invites uncontrolled ballot harvesting.
If passed by the Senate, the For the People Act legislation will rig all future national elections to ensure that far-left liberal socialist progressives will have a permanent and absolute winning advantage.
But we can't possibly allow that to happen here in America.
Larry Bell is an endowed professor of space architecture at the University of Houston where he founded Sasakawa International Center for Space Architecture and the graduate space architecture program. His latest of 10 books, "What Makes Humans Truly Exceptional," (2021) is available on Amazon along with all others. Read Larry Bell's Reports — More Here.