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The Problems (and Irony) of Sanders' Free College for Illegal Immigrants

The Problems (and Irony) of Sanders' Free College for Illegal Immigrants
Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. (Getty Images)

Michael Dorstewitz By Monday, 24 February 2020 08:37 AM EST Current | Bio | Archive

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., told a group of supporters Saturday that "all of our people," including illegal immigrants, "are entitled to basic human rights."

Among those "basic human rights" he listed was "free" higher education.

Talk radio host and contributor to The Federalist Jesse Kelly observed that even the most communist of the communists would call that insane and unworkable.

"I'm not sure there's ever been an equivalent to the American Left. Not even the Bolsheviks pushed for socialism AND open borders. Mao didn't either," he tweeted. "Lenin himself would look at Bernie's platform and say, 'Well, that's not gonna work.'"

And the reason "that's not gonna work" is that it's another magnet prompting foreigners to take the risk to enter the country illegally — and even re-enter the country illegally after they're deported.

Although it's a felony for an alien to re-enter the United States after he's been legally removed, it happens all the rime. José Inez García Zárate, the man who killed Kate Steinle in San Francisco, is perhaps the most egregious example. He illegally entered the United States six times, and was deported five. Some time after his sixth re-entry he shot and killed Steinle.

Nonetheless, Sanders' call for freebies for everyone appears to be working. The latest CBS News/YouGov poll released Sunday has him leading the entire field of Democratic candidates, 28% to Sen. Elizabeth Warren's, D-Mass., 19% who came in second.

The fact that nearly half of the Democrats polled threw their support behind a candidate who swings far to the left, with each offering an increasing array of socialist-driven freebies, probably says more about the voters than it does the candidates.

And that wasn't lost on conservative actor James Woods, whose voice only recently returned to Twitter after being denied access to that platform for months.

"What's critical to remember about democracy is that stupid people also get to vote," he said Sunday. "What's dangerous about that is that stupid people feel comfortable when they vote for other stupid people. It's a vicious circle."

The "Never Trump" Republicans are even worse. They're the ones who claim would vote for nearly any Democrat rather than pull the lever for Trump. Although most would either stay home on November 3 or unenthusiastically vote to re-elect the president, there may still be those who put their money on Sanders purely out of spite.

Security expert and frequent Fox News contributor Jim Hanson had a word for those.

"Anyone who hates #Trump more than they fear #Bernie as POTUS is unwell," he said Sunday.

But even more than that is the irony of giving illegal immigrants a free college education, given recent events.

"Desperate Housewives" actress Felicity Huffman reported to a federal prison in October to serve 14 days after pleading guilty for her role in a college admissions scandal. She tearfully admitted to paying thousands of dollars to boost her daughters SAT scores and with them, her daughter's chances of being admitted to the college of her choice.

International bond manager Douglas Hodge was sentenced to nine months in prison for paying bribes to get four of his children into the University of Southern California and Georgetown University as fake athletic recruits.

TV star Lori Loughlin is scheduled to appear in court for trial after she pleaded not guilty on essentially the same charges.

Cheat to get into college, go to prison.

Cheat to get into the country, go to college.

What a system.

Michael Dorstewitz is a retired lawyer and has been a frequent contributor to BizPac Review and Liberty Unyielding. He is also a former U.S. Merchant Marine officer and an enthusiastic Second Amendment supporter, who can often be found honing his skills at the range. To read more of his reports — Click Here Now.

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Cheat to get into college, go to prison. Cheat to get into the country, go to college. What a system.
berniesanders, freecollegetuition, illegalimmigrants
Monday, 24 February 2020 08:37 AM
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