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Joe Biden — Summer Christian, Sunshine Catholic

joe biden and pope francis

Then-U.S. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.,  and then-Vice-President Joe Biden look on as Pope Francis departs a joint meeting of Congress on Capitol Hill Sept. 24, 2015 in Washington, D.C. (Nikki Kahn-Pool/Getty Images)

Michael Dorstewitz By Wednesday, 23 December 2020 11:56 AM EST Current | Bio | Archive

Mainstream media are praising presumptive President-elect Joe Biden for being the first openly churchgoing president in decades, observing that he rarely misses Catholic Mass.

''For Joe, faith is both a private devotion — he prays regularly, he goes to church,'' the Rev. Kevin O’Brien told CNN. ''But it’s also public. He’s open about and proud that he’s a Catholic.''

Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., agrees.

"Joe's faith isn't just part of who he is," Coons said. "It's foundational to who he is."

But it’s one thing to spend an hour in church once a week. It’s another thing altogether to actually live your faith, and with Biden, it’s all showboating. In reality, Biden’s neither honorable nor devout.

Sanctity of Life

Biden has aligned with his party’s stance on abortion for decades, notwithstanding the church’s belief that life begins at conception, and destroying that life is murder. He at least supported the Hyde Amendment for decades, which in most cases prevents public funds from being used to pay for abortions.

But that fell by the wayside last year when he realized he had to fall in line if he had any hope of winning the Democratic presidential nomination. A desire for power trumped adherence to his faith.

Executive director of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, Kelley Robinson said that "both former Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Bernie Sanders have made clear their support for reproductive health and rights, including repealing the Hyde Amendment, as well as their support for Planned Parenthood."


Biden’s propensity to make up facts as he speaks is legendary. To list them all would take volumes. However, Townhall’s Brad Slager listed more than a dozen whoppers the former vice president told in a single debate, including:

• Denying that he’d called President Trump xenophobic over the China travel ban

• Claiming he’d never opposed fracking

• His son Hunter’s scandal is based on Russian disinformation

• There’s no evidence that raising the minimum wage can result in business failures

• Withholding taxes on Social Security will bankrupt the program by 2023

• We have a higher trade deficit with China now than we did before

• No one lost their private health insurance under Obamacare

• He stopped giving the oil industry federal subsidies

History of Plagiarism

Biden also has a problem with stealing the work of others and calling it his own, going back to at least 1965, including:

• Submitting a plagiarized paper while a first-year law student

Lifting the speech of a British Labour Party leader without attribution

• In the late 1980s he routinely ''borrowed'' speeches from other politicians

• He lifted his climate policy last year word-for-word from other organizations

• He copied his campaign’s ''Unity Platform'' from Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt.

Even the late (great) Johnny Carson poked fun at Biden’s plagiarism in a 1987 airing of ''The Tonight Show.''

After observing press reports that Biden had lifted portions of his speeches from others, including ''part of Bobby Kennedy’s speeches,'' Carson delivered his punch line.

''[Biden] reassured his staff, he said, 'We have nothing to fear but fear itself.''' 

Sanctity of Marriage

Biden publicly claimed he met Jill on a blind date in 1975, years after his first wife died and long after Jill’s first marriage ended in divorce.

Not so, according to Bill Stevenson, Jill’s first husband. He says that he and Jill helped Biden with his first Senate campaign in 1972.

Stevenson told the Daily Mail earlier this year that he had several strong hints that something was going on between Joe and Jill, including a warning from one of Jill’s friends that the two were becoming too friendly.

The capper, in Stevenson’s mind, came in May of 1972 when his Corvette was involved in a fender-bender. He learned afterward that Biden was driving and Jill was the passenger.

The other driver approached Stevenson and ''said back in May it had crunched his bumper and they told him to get an estimate and he never heard back from them.''

Biden’s then-wife Neilia didn’t die until December 18, 1972, seven months later and a few weeks after he was elected to the Senate. Both she and their one-year-old daughter Naomi were killed in an automobile accident while Christmas shopping.

No one, of course, is perfect; but few are as imperfect as Biden — especially for someone calling himself a ''devout Catholic.''

A South Carolina Roman Catholic priest refused to give Biden Holy Communion last year because of Biden’s position on abortion. The priest was criticized, but he was right.

''These are the times that try men’s souls,'' wrote Thomas Paine in ''The American Crisis'' in 1776. ''The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country.''

And as Biden demonstrates each day, he’s ——, one who will shrink from the practice of his faith.

Michael Dorstewitz is a retired lawyer and has been a frequent contributor to BizPac Review and Liberty Unyielding. He is also a former U.S. Merchant Marine officer and an enthusiastic Second Amendment supporter, who can often be found honing his skills at the range. Read Michael Dorstewitz's Reports — More Here.

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Mainstream media are praising presumptive President-elect Joe Biden for being the first openly churchgoing president in decades. With Biden, it’s all showboating.
churchgoer, christian, catholic, showboating
Wednesday, 23 December 2020 11:56 AM
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