A cruel man kept his dog chained in the backyard.
Every couple days he went out and fed it, then removed a couple links from his chain.
The dog was so happy to finally be fed each time that he didn’t mind having the links removed — after all, it was only a few.
Eventually the dog realized he couldn’t move at all. His freedom was taken away entirely.
So, too, we’ve been slowly losing our liberty, and too many Americans don’t seem to care.
The storming of the Capitol building a week ago accelerated that process beyond anything we could imagine a year ago.
Conservative columnist and talk radio host Dennis Prager observed that in 1933, the Nationalist Socialists (Nazis) blamed the burning of the Reichstag, Germany’s parliament building, on Communists. They used it to drum the Communist Party out of existence and silence the voices of its members.
Similarly, after the Jan. 6 riot on Capitol Hill, the mainstream press, social media and Democratic leaders silenced any claims that didn’t echo the parry line — even to the point of censoring the president of the United States.
The party line includes:
• Joe Biden won the Nov. 3 election fair and square
• The courts repeatedly confirmed Biden won
• Disputing the election results equals insurrection
• President Trump incited demonstrators to storm the Capitol
But countering those claims:
• Biden won the election, but it wasn’t necessarily fair and square
• The courts, for the most part, dismissed the cases on procedural grounds, without addressing the substantive issues
• Democrat lawmakers have formally disputed elections for years without reprisal
• Far from ''inciting insurrection,'' Trump told demonstrators to peacefully show support for members of Congress questioning the results
Those who didn’t toe the line were punished, with social media leading the charge.
After Twitter censored President Trump and his campaign 625 times, it finally took the unprecedented action of permanently banning him from the platform.
This week the House scheduled a ''snap'' impeachment of Trump without the benefit of due process and with the tacit approval of Joe Biden. And throughout it all, Democrats claim the moral high ground.
Meanwhile, Biden’s preaching ''unity.''
Twitter then initiated what conservative users called ''the great purge,'' a process of removing followers from their accounts, thus reducing their audience size and impact.
As of Friday night/Saturday morning:
• Fox News Channel’s Brian Kilmeade said he lost 30,000 followers in four hours
• Conservative actor James Woods said he lost 137,000 in two days
• Conservative actress Kristy Swanson lost 125,000 since Jan. 6.
• Code of Vets lost 48,000 followers
As a result ,conservatives turned to Parler, a ''free speech'' social media platform.
Then tech giants banded together to erase Parler out of existence.
First, Apple and Google Play removed the Parler app from their stores, despite its popularity.
Then Amazon booted Parler off its web servers, giving the platform mere hours to scramble for a replacement. As a result, Parler has been down since Monday at 12 a.m.
The president’s supporters in Congress were also punished — by their Democratic colleagues.
House Homeland Security Committee Chair Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., said Monday he wanted Republican Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas and Josh Hawley of Missouri to be placed on the federal no-fly list.
Their crime?
Questioning the election results.
On Tuesday Missouri House Democrats demanded Hawley’s resignation.
Claiming that objecting to the electoral vote in Congress was tantamount to ''insurrection,'' Rep. Cori Bush, a Missouri Democrat, is introducing a resolution to boot the legislative objectors out of Congress.
On Tuesday Rep. Jim McGovern, D-Mass., browbeat Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, into saying Biden won the election ''fair and square.''
Nor are ordinary Americans exempt.
After last week’s riots, ABC News political director Rick Klein tweeted that the time will come for ''cleansing the movement'' of Trump supporters.
MSNBC analyst and Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson suggested Tuesday that the 75 million strong ''cult'' of Trump voters need to be ''deprogrammed.''
New York Times bestselling author and #BLEXIT founder Candace Owens gave a brief rundown of some of the freedoms we’ve lost.
''In ONE YEAR, the Left has normalized,'' she began, and listed then as follows:
• Shutting down businesses
• Shutting down churches
• Force masking citizens
• Censoring private citizens and now, WORLD LEADERS.
Add to the list the fact that Biden promised to curtail Second Amendment rights in the coming years. Think of that poor dog chained in the backyard.
Scratch a liberal, reveal a fascist.
Michael Dorstewitz is a retired lawyer and has been a frequent contributor to BizPac Review and Liberty Unyielding. He is also a former U.S. Merchant Marine officer and an enthusiastic Second Amendment supporter, who can often be found honing his skills at the range. Read Dorstewitz's Reports — More Here.
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